I reckon I must've lived more in the last 24 hours than the last 24 years.
White Lines - Season 1 Episode 1
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Blame is a bucket of shit that mediocre men throw around. Real men carry blame on their shoulders.
Andreu Calafat in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 4
If you're looking for new experiences, new feelings, there's always someone saying, "You shouldn't be doing that." Sure, I organized that party. You can lock me up, throw me in jail and give me community service, but don't ask me not to live!
Axel Collins in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 2
Falling in love with Anna was the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me. She made me feel like I could crush the world between me finger and thumb.
Marcus Ward in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 2
You've gotta see the bigger picture! It means not conformin'. It means havin' parties, each one bigger than the last one. It means transporin' people with our music so they can forget about this shit goin' on in their lives.
Axel Collins in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 2
If you live like a god when you’re 20, how can you be happy after that? You’ve had it all: love, girls, the perfect life. After that, how could you not be sad? The good times are always behind you.
Marcus Ward in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 1
Andreu Calafat: "I was one of those people who used to cry at films. Now it's the done thing. Now you're a sensitive type, but before you were seen as a sissy."
Boxer: "That's why I always sit in the front row."
Boxer: "That's why I always sit in the front row."
Boxer in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 1
They knew that life is best lived through the senses.
Anna in White Lines - Season 1 Episode 1
Blessing a casino in God's name must be the worst thing a priest can do. Apart from pedophilia.
White Lines - Season 1 Episode 1
Lies are comforting. Truth is painful.
Truth never wins, but its enemies cease to exist.
Plato is my friend; Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth.
Which is worse: A lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear?
Bryan Bedford in Miracle on 34th Street
The ugliest truth, in the end, was still better than the prettiest of lies.
Guzmán: "Because she supports me. Unconditionally."
Nadia: "That isn't love, it's devotion, like you would have for a God. People who love you tell you the truth."
Nadia: "That isn't love, it's devotion, like you would have for a God. People who love you tell you the truth."
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When you lose everything, that's when you're finally free.
Star Wars: The Acolyte - Season 1 Episode 6