The best Quotes from Netflix' You

The best Quotes from Netflix' You
I think love should come out of nowhere, sweep you up completely.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 2
How the hell did you end up here?

You used to wrap yourself in fairy tales like a blanket. But it was the cold you loved. Sharp shivers as you uncovered the corpses of Bluebeard's wives. Sweeter goosebumps as Prince Charming slid one glass slipper over your little toes. A perfect fit. But by the schoolyard, real princesses floated by you on fall winds. You saw the gulf between you and the rich girls and vowed to stop believing in fairy tales. But the stories were in you, deep as poison. If Prince Charming was real, if he could save you, you needed to be saved from the unfairness of everything. When would he come? The answer was a cruel shrug in a hundred fleeting moments. The sneer on Stevie Smith's face when he called you a fat cow. Uncle Jeff's hand squeezing your ass in the Thanksgiving kitchen. The accusation in your father's eyes when you told him what happened. From every boy masquerading as a man that you let into your body, your heart, you learned you didn't have whatever magic turns a beast into a prince. You surrounded yourself with the girls you'd always resented, hoping to share their power. And you hated yourself. And that diminished you even more. And then, right when you thought you might just disappear, he saw you. And you knew somewhere deep it was too good to be true. But you let yourself be swept, because he was the first strong enough to lift you. Now in his castle you understand Prince Charming and Bluebeard are the same man. And you don't get a happy end unless you love both of him. Didn't you want this? To be loved? Didn't you want him to crown you? Didn't you ask for it? Didn't you ask for it? So say you can live like this, say you love him, say thank you, say anything but the truth. What if you can't love him back?
Guinevere Beck - Season 1 Episode 10
Every relationship teaches us hard lessons, right? That's their gift. To make us ready for the day when someone, maybe the One, walks in, who could truly love us.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 10
Sometimes, we do bad things for the people we love. Doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 10
Sometimes, a man gets exactly what he wishes for, and that can be the most perfect punishment of all.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 10
I'm not a "maybe", I'm the one.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 3
I'd never felt this way before, where you love the bad things about someone as much as the good. Maybe even a little more.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 7
That's sad. People buying books because of what's popular and not because they wanna be moved or changed in some way.
Guinevere Beck - Season 1 Episode 1
The problem with books is that they end. They seduce you. They spread their legs to you and pull you inside. And you go deep and leave your possessions and your ties to the world at the door and you like it inside and you don't want for your possessions or your ties and then, the book evaporates.
I don't say anything. I know the power of silence. I remember my dad saying nothing and I remember his silences more vividly than I remember the things he said.
Dear Love, you've changed me. I used to see the world as black or white. Now everything is gray and messy, full of nuance and beauty - because of you.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 8
I don't think I've ever been in love before. It's been infatuation. This is it. Accepting you're not perfect and loving you more for it.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 5
It's been said that dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 4
Welcome to a city where people trying to disappear aren't actually trying.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 2
Relationships are scary. You don't get all that goodness and possibilities with zero risk.
Love Quinn - Season 2 Episode 2
There are scary people in the world, Beck. That's why it's important to be safe.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 1
The most valuable things in life are usually the most helpless.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 1
If this was a movie, I'd grab you and we'd go at it right in the stacks.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 1
The only thing crueler than a cage so
small that a bird can’t fly is a cage so
large that a bird thinks it can fly.
Work in a bookstore and learn that most people in this world feel guilty about being who they are.
Happiness is believing that you're gonna be happy. It's hope.
It is possible to know people. They show you who they are. You just have to be looking.
Caroline Kepnes - Hidden Bodies - Ich werde dich finden
It even smells rich in here. If a bomb dropped on this place, Britain's GDP would drop by 10%, but it might be worth it. Let the games begin. Which one of these people will I hate the most?
Joe Goldberg - Season 4 Episode 1
Heartbreak is our greatest teacher, and if so, thank you for making me wise.
Joe Goldberg - Season 4 Episode 1
Love chooses us. The only thing we can control is what we do, how far we go.
Joe Goldberg - Season 4 Episode 1
Remember when we crashed Dad's beloved Maserati? We were all banged up. But better to suffer in silence than let him know what we did. This feels like that. Only, I can't take this damaged thing to the wrong side of town and claim someone stole it.
Love Quinn - Season 3 Episode 6
I can't completely cage what's inside of me or, when it bursts out, it comes for blood. Better to feed it just enough to keep it in check, keep it on a leash, take it out for walks, but make sure it knows the rules.
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 5
Love: "I have friends for that."
Theo: "Right. Sherry Conrad."
Love: "We have more in common than you think."
Theo: "You're both human women. Totally."
Season 3 Episode 5
Cary Conrad: "It's an incredible feeling, letting out that part of yourself that you have to cage."
Joe: "Unleashing my impulses is the opposite of what I need to do. No, thank you. Hard pass."
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 5
If I'm the problem, how do I fix it?
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 4
Something about fitting into suburbia has changed you, Love. You went from being horrified by the ostentatiousness of a kids party to "Keeping Up With the Conrads".
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 4
Therapist: "Joe? How have you been?"
Joe: "[thinks] Oh, I'm fine. Bored, trapped in Pleasantville, aging so fast I forget to j4ck off in the shower."
Joe: "I'm good."
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 4
Publicity. It has a way of flattening. Flattening you and the people you love into types.
Love Quinn - Season 3 Episode 4
Even with therapy, our wounds may take a long time to heal. We can't just erase our worst impulses. But maybe we can control them.
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 2
If children were enough reason to stay married, we'd have no divorced parents.
Season 3 Episode 2
Libraries represent the very best of civilized society, the housing of an egalitarian access to knowledge. It's what separates us from the apes.
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 1
Missing-White-Woman-Syndrome is America's favorite pastime next to p*rn.
Marienne Bellamy - Season 3 Episode 3
You know, babies can tell when your heart's not in it.
Love Quinn - Season 3 Episode 1
Me, a boy and his mom, who is usually great but occasionally murders people with her bare hands. What could go wrong?
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 1
Joe: "We were told it would be a girl."
Nurse: "Oh, probably just shy. Kept the goods hidden."
Season 3 Episode 1
There's one part of the old me I can't quite shake. I still believe in The One. That the right person is out there for me.
Joe Goldberg - Season 3 Episode 1
Dude, I love green juice, but celery is basically Satan's butt plug.
Forty Quinn - Season 2 Episode 7
Love. This is why you're not for me. Once upon a time, I believed in love. Sure, I'd been hurt before, but I'd learned from that, and I wanted to fight for a fresh start - the real thing this time. So, boy meets girl. Boy knows this is something special and he thinks, 'let me do everything I can to make this right.' So I did. I was brave, I was vulnerable, I won her the old fashioned day. I tried to do everything right - for her. I knew you have to do anything for love, so I did.
Joe Goldberg - Season 2 Episode 1
From every boy masquerading as a man that you let into your body, your heart, you learned you didn't have whatever magic turns a beast into a prince.
Guinevere Beck - Season 1 Episode 10
Uh, yes, face Candace. I'd sooner slam my nuts in a door.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 9
Zach: "I'm test-driving veganism now and I'm just feeling a little faint. You two are absolutely adorable, and I am a lonely, vegan island."
Joe: "Someone needs a burger."
Beck: "Or somewhere to put his meat."
Guinevere Beck - Season 1 Episode 7
The universe has a funny way of keeping us humble.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 5
Ned: "How about your brother? How's he doing?"
Beck: "You know. Works a lot. Anya, too. But they seem happy. [According to Facebook.]"
Guinevere Beck - Season 1 Episode 4
One day, you won't need love anymore
One day, you won't walk through the world
As though it was your job to hold everything up
The sun, the sky, the hard part of the night
Guinevere Beck - Season 1 Episode 1
Every account set to public. You want to be seen, heard, known. Of course, I obliged. The next thing our little friend the internet gave me, was your address.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 1

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I'm not worried. I've seen enough romantic comedies to know guys like me are always getting in jams like this.
Joe Goldberg - Season 1 Episode 1

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