The best Quotes by Wilbur Wright

The best Quotes by Wilbur Wright

The Wright brothers, Orville Wright (August 19, 1871 – January 30, 1948) and Wilbur Wright (April 16, 1867 – May 30, 1912), were American aviation pioneers generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful motor-operated airplane.

What one man can do himself directly is but little. If however he can stir up ten others to take up the task he has accomplished much.
I confess that in 1901 I said to my brother Orville that man would not fly for fifty years.
The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their grueling travels across trackless lands in prehistoric times, looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the air.
The fact that the great scientist believed in flying machines was the one thing that encouraged us to begin our studies.
It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.
If I were giving a young man advice as to how he might succeed in life, I would say to him, "pick out a good father and mother, and begin life in Ohio."

Quotes about Wilbur Wright

Successful technologies often begin as hobbies. Jacques Cousteau invented scuba diving because he enjoyed exploring caves. The Wright brothers invented flying as a relief from the monotony of their normal business of selling and repairing bicycles.

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No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris.
The airplane stays up because it doesn't have the time to fall.
If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.
We were lucky enough to grow up in an environment where there was always much encouragement to children to pursue intellectual interests; to investigate what ever aroused curiosity.
It was the first time in the history of the world that a machine carrying a man and driven by a motor had lifted itself from the ground in free flight.
We wrote to a number of the best known automobile manufacturers in an endeavor to secure a motor for the new machine. Not receiving favorable answers from any of these we proceeded to design a motor of our own.
In just six weeks from the time the design was started, we had the motor on the block testing its power.
The exhilaration of flying is too keen, the pleasure too great, for it to be neglected as a sport.
Biden has won so many times in Michigan now.
He's legally required to change his name to Ohio State.
There's nothing wrong with Ohio
Except the snow and the rain
Bowling for Soup - Ohio (Come Back to Texas), Album: A Hangover You Don’t Deserve
East Coast style + Midwest charm = Ohio girl
Coming from southeast Ohio it's a very impoverished area and the poverty rate is almost two times the national average.
Joe Burrow - December 2019
Ohio girls - the kind of girl you can take home to meet your mom, but can outdrink your dad.
Home is where the heart is and the heart is in Ohio.
If you don't like the weather in Southern Ohio, just wait 15 minutes.
Ohio girls have that inner glow that makes them more beautiful than any other girl.
What does a man from Indiana say in bed?
Hoosier Daddy?!
I did plays in high school, but I was convinced you couldn't make a living doing it. You don't have a lot of options in Indiana anyway, though, so I didn't want to stay there. I graduated early and worked a bunch of really odd jobs, and then I joined the Marines.
After I sang 'Back Home In Indiana' the first time, I became a Hoosier.
Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
On her merry way sayin', 'Baby, what you gonna- ?'
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal .45
Just another way to survive
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California, Album: Stadium Arcadium
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Indiana - and that's pretty much the same thing.
Every orchid or rose or lizard or snake is the work of a dedicated and skilled breeder. There are thousands of people, amateurs and professionals, who devote their lives to this business. Now imagine what will happen when the tools of genetic engineering become accessible to these people.
We have no reason to think that climate change is harmful if you look at the world as a whole. Most places, in fact, are better off being warmer than being colder. And historically, the really bad times for the environment and for people have been the cold periods rather than the warm periods.
The public knows that human beings are fallible. Only people blinded by ideology fall into the trap of believing in their own infallibility.
From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.
We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.
(Plattenfirma) - 1962, to The Beatles
There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance.
Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) - 04/2007, 2 months before first iPhone is released
The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.
It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly.
Flemeth in Dragon Age
Nothing gives me as much pleasure as travelling. I love getting on trains and boats and planes.
75% of the Earth's surface is ocean. So divers live on a much bigger planet.
L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.

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