Quotes and Sayings about Wednesday

Quotes and Sayings about Wednesday

Wednesday - the midweek rendezvous between Monday and Friday. Wednesday is like a Swiss Army knife: it can be anything! Sometimes it feels like a mini-Friday, other times like a sleepy Monday that forgot to set its alarm. But Wednesday has its perks - you can finally claim you're "over the hump." And as the week's midpoint draws near, the weekend appears like an island on the horizon. So let's celebrate Wednesday, with a wink and the excitement for what's yet to come!

For most people, on Wednesday the batterie's are still half full, strangely mine are half empty.
What I dislike about Wednesday? I don't remember a lot from last weekend and the next one is still so far away.
I was done with this Friday the moment I found out it was Wednesday yet.
Wednesday feels like the third Monday of the week.

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Someday, I'm going to marry Monday, make him trust me and then I'll finish him off.
Life's beautiful every day. We just have to look more thoroughly on Mondays.
If we could have a Monday for once that doesn't feel like it's lasting for ten days, that'd be great.
I was done with this Friday the moment I found out it was Monday yet.
Mondays are fine. It's your life that sucks.
I'm not a scientist, but I feel like Earth's gravitation is strongest when I'm in bed on a Monday morning.
Every eleven minutes on a monday, one minute passes.
"It's Friday 13th. What are you worried about?"
"Monday 16th."
For most people, on Tuesday the batterie's are still half full, strangely mine are half empty.
What I dislike about Tuesday? I don't remember a lot from last weekend and the next one is still so far away.
I have no idea why everyone hates Monday. Tuesday sucks just as bad.
I was done with this Friday the moment I found out it was Tuesday yet.
After Tuesday, even the week goes W-T-F.
It's Tuesday. We're one step closer to the weekend. So - enjoy your day!
Too early. Too tired. And only Tuesday yet!
Why do all people hate Mondays? Tuesdays are just as bad?!
Can't we just skip Thursday and jump right into the weekend?
I wanna go to college for the rest of my life
Sip Bankers Club, and drink Miller Lite
On Thirsty Thursday and Tuesday Night Ice
And I can get pizza a dollar a slice
Asher Roth - I Love College, Album: Asleep in the Bread Aisle
Brain: "Yay, it's finally Friday!"
Liver: "Oh, shit."
You know what rhymes with friday? Vodka.
"Hey, you. What's your name?"
"I'm Friday."
"Man, 'twas about time, lad."
Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday so near to Monday?
The best thing about Sunday is Saturday night.
I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.
My work is like my vacation, so in a way every day is like Saturday.
If you do anything productive on a Sunday, you will die unfortunately.
Note to self: I'm not God, even when I'm done with the world by Sunday.
What you really want is someone you can hang around with on a Sunday afternoon and watch a TV show with, and do nothing, and feel like it's the most fun ever.
Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it's even begun.
If God hadn't rested on Sunday, He would have had time to finish the world.

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