Animals can survive for weeks without food, but merely a few days without water. There is no dish that could ever compare to pure, unadulterated water.
I don't like boats. I don't like water. I'm a man not a fish.
Connor MacLeod in Highlander
Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.
All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.
Shelby: "What can I get here that has no sugar, no carbs, and is fat free?"
Sam: "Water."
Sam: "Water."
Sam in Cinderella Story
Does anyone else wake up in the middle of the night thirsty as hell, and water tastes like it came from God's personal pond?
Water, whether frozen or flowing, is life, and its currents run deep in us.
Elementarmagier - Charaktererstellung in Guild Wars
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To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!
Homer Simpson in The Simpsons - Season 8 Episode 18
11Everything's better with some wine in the belly.
Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones - Season 1 Episode 2
9'That's the problem with drinking', I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.
Charles Bukowski in Women
6The damage has been done. All that's left to do now is drink until the part of the brain that creates mental pictures is dead.
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6Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose a few brain-cells.
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6That's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones - Season 6 Episode 2
4Basically, I'm for anything that gets you through the night - be it prayer, tranquilizers or a bottle of Jack Daniels.
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.
No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.
The ocean is where I go
To lose my mind and find my soul
To lose my mind and find my soul
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
it's always our self we find in the sea.
it's always our self we find in the sea.
When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.
Right down here, the ocean has a depth of almost 4,000 meters. Man has mapped out every corner of this world. Been to the farthest deserts, the top of the highest mountains. But what's down there is still a mystery. A hidden world in the shadows.
Eyk Larsen in 1899 - Season 1
The watery part of this world has a way of healing even the deepest of wounds.
Elendil in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1 Episode 3
Why does the ocean have live so far away from my home?
The ocean may not be the answer, but it makes you forget the question!
The danger isn't the river's speed, friend, but its slowness.
Tyler… you drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it.
Rivers do not drink their own water. Trees do not eat their own fruit. And clouds do not swallow their own rain. What great ones have is always for the benefit of others.
Rikki in Days Gone
Your fate, like a river, flows only in one direction.
He Bo in SMITE
Every river reaches the ocean in its own way.
I find that the, um... beauty of bright sunlight is best appreciated from the indoors through a window.
There can be only one!
Sky is the limit for her and what she can do on the court, in terms of her impact in the game but also the court as well... It's been fun to watch her journey.
Stephen Curry - February 2024
Wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.
The last day dawns on the Kingdom of Ascalon. It arrives with no fanfare, no tolling of alarms. Those who will remember, will speak fondly of the warm morning breeze. People carry on with their daily lives, unaware that in a short while... everything they have ever known will come to an end.
Erzähler - erste Worte in Guild Wars
My ideals have no stains.
I must correct you. People here bear no sins in the eyes of the gods... Only laws and the Tribunal can judge someone.
They can judge even me. So praise my magnificence and purity.
I must correct you. People here bear no sins in the eyes of the gods... Only laws and the Tribunal can judge someone.
They can judge even me. So praise my magnificence and purity.
Eternity stretches things out over a long time. But each moment within it becomes all the more fragile.
With you by my side, though our mouths stay silent, my heart is at peace.
Observation is the first step of any experiment, but observing the current world doesn't satisfy me. It lacks an important dimension - that of time.
Some ambitions have the power to heal wounds, to bring victory, to inspire hope. But some ambitions, outlive their masters, long after their soul ascends. They remain as they were in the beginning, burning bright and true, for all eternity.
You should know that all power comes at a price. For every bit of power you gain, so too do you gain more responsibility.
Only once you know and respect death, can you truly understand the value of life.