Vic: "Your next objective should be easy to pick out, once you've accessed the camera feeds."
Sam: "Famous last words!"
Sam: "Famous last words!"
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Conviction
He didn't care what they were taking out - he wanted to get in. Not that a double-walled EMP containment structure has a lot of back doors - he just needed one.
Victor Coste in Splinter Cell - Conviction
You have exactly 5 seconds to explain what I'm doing here. And 2 seconds have just passed...
He who wields a minigun, fears not.
Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other.
The Legend of Zelda in The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess
7A sword wields no strength, unless the hand that holds it has courage.
The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess
2Who do you think you're poking? I'm a great wizard, I am! I'll turn you into a mindless ugly toad... gosh! It worked!
Rincewind in Discworld
That's it! Poke a man in the ribs! let's see what you can do without it! [cursor disappears for a few seconds] Oh, all right... you can have it back if you promise to use it wisely.
Rincewind in Discworld
If only I had another dimension, I'd teach you a thing or two.
Rincewind in Discworld
Hands off my pixels!
Rincewind in Discworld
I'm not a cartoon! I'm just dimensionally impaired!
Rincewind in Discworld
You can choose between two ways - the hard way and my way. But they are basically the same.
This is the melody that will draw you into the infinite darkness that absorbs even time. Listen to the Nocturne of Shadow.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
I have played this song to princess Zelda ever since she was a baby. There is mysterious power in these notes.
Impa in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
[Sun's Song]
A rising sun will eventually set, a newborn's life will fade. From sun to moon, to moon to sun, give peaceful rest to the living dead. Wandering souls travel where they don't belong, bring them calm with the sun's song.
A rising sun will eventually set, a newborn's life will fade. From sun to moon, to moon to sun, give peaceful rest to the living dead. Wandering souls travel where they don't belong, bring them calm with the sun's song.
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
3He was trying to buy more sand for his hour glass. I wasn't selling any.
The past is a gaping hole. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it's like kissing the lips of your dead love. Darkness waiting in the hole of her mouth.
Killing thousands to save millions... nobody should have to make these decisions.
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Double Agent
1Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am and why I say this. Sit down and I will tell you a tale, like none of you have ever heard.
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time
2One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.
When the darkness fell, New York City became something else, any old Sinatra song notwithstanding. Bad things happened in the night, on the streets of that other city. Noir York City.
You can pick the game, Niko Bellic, but you can't change the rules.
Dimitri Rascalov in GTA - Grand Theft Auto - IV
8Thank you so much for-a playing my game!
Mario in Super Mario - 64
My name is Rosalina. I watch over and protect the cosmos. To save your special one, you'll need the power to travel through space.
Rosalina in Super Mario - Galaxy
It is the desire to be reunited with someone who is important to you. That pull is what brought us together.
Rosalina in Super Mario - Galaxy 2
I will watch over you from beyond the stars.
Rosalina in Super Mario - Galaxy
Leave this one to me, Bro - you run ahead! You've got worlds to save. You don't have time to fight this baddie.
Luigi in Super Mario - Paper Mario
Can Hyrule's destiny really depend on such a lazy boy?!
Navi in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
3Thanks to you, we can once again eat the delicious rocks from the Dogondo's cavern 'til our stomach burst!
Goron in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
1They say that there is no medecine that can cure a fool... I guess that's true.
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
3[Serenade of Water]
Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.
Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
5[Bolero of Fire]
It is something that grows over time - a true friendship. A feeling in the heart that becomes even stronger over time. The passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power and through it, you will know which way to go. This song is dedicated to the power of the heart.
It is something that grows over time - a true friendship. A feeling in the heart that becomes even stronger over time. The passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power and through it, you will know which way to go. This song is dedicated to the power of the heart.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
7[Minuet of Forest]
The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days.
The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
8Sam: "Where should I put this so it doesn't hurt anyone we know or care about?"
Max: "Out the window. There's nothing but strangers out there."
Max: "Out the window. There's nothing but strangers out there."
Max in Sam & Max - Hit the Road
1Milan Nedich: "I won't talk."
Sam Fisher: "Are you gonna make me cut your neck and look for the words inside your throat?"
Sam Fisher: "Are you gonna make me cut your neck and look for the words inside your throat?"
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory
Guard: "Who are you? "
Sam Fisher: "I'm the good guy here to save your world."
Guard: "I thought I was the good guy?"
Sam Fisher: "No, you're the side with the super secret underground base and I'm the guy who's trying to break into the base - which makes me the good guy."
Sam Fisher: "I'm the good guy here to save your world."
Guard: "I thought I was the good guy?"
Sam Fisher: "No, you're the side with the super secret underground base and I'm the guy who's trying to break into the base - which makes me the good guy."
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory
Sam: "Lasers are so..."
Grimsdottir: "Nineties."
Sam: "I was going to say 'seventies'. Will you stop trying to make me feel old?"
Grimsdottir: "I've got news for you Sam - you are old!"
Grimsdottir: "Nineties."
Sam: "I was going to say 'seventies'. Will you stop trying to make me feel old?"
Grimsdottir: "I've got news for you Sam - you are old!"
Anna Grimsdottir in Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow
Rebel: "I don't speak English."
Sam : "I'd be willing to bet your neck that you do!"
Sam : "I'd be willing to bet your neck that you do!"
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow
Soldier: "I've got orders not to let anyone leave. Where are you going?
Sam: "Do you really wanna know? Look, I'm in special-ops, so I'd tell you where I was going, but then I'd have to kill you. So do you really wanna know?"
Soldier: "Oh... no, sir."
Sam: "Good call!"
Sam: "Do you really wanna know? Look, I'm in special-ops, so I'd tell you where I was going, but then I'd have to kill you. So do you really wanna know?"
Soldier: "Oh... no, sir."
Sam: "Good call!"
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Essentials
Sam: "Pretend I'm Harry Tuttle."
Guard: "Who?"
Sam: "I'm an ill-tempered, heavily-armed heating engineer asking about your ventilation system."
Guard: "Who?"
Sam: "I'm an ill-tempered, heavily-armed heating engineer asking about your ventilation system."
Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory
1Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of Duke Nukem. My continuing mission: to explore strange new babes, to seek out new aliens and kick their asses.
Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project
I like big guns, and I cannot lie.
Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project
Ah, New York! It's my kind of town. If I can kill 'em here... I can kill 'em anywhere!
Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project