The best Quotes by Tommy Maximoff

The best Quotes by Tommy Maximoff

Speed (Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is depicted as a member of the Young Avengers, a team of teenaged superheroes in the Marvel Universe. His powers are based on those of his uncle Quicksilver.

Billy: "Halloween's a magical holiday. All about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day."
Tommy: "Wrong! Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy."
WandaVision - Season 1 Episode 6

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News Broadcast: "Police confirmed that the teen heroes apprehended the masked criminal known as the Shocker, before recovering over two million dollars in cash."
Spider-Man: "Making the Shocker look like an idiot. Which - granted - isn't tough, but it is always entertaining."
Hulkling: "So what do we do with the dealers?"
Patriot: "Leave 'em here, I guess."
Asgardian: "With a note saying, 'From your friendly neighborhood Young Avengers'? Because that'll stand up in court."
Patriot: "You got a better idea?"
Asgardian: "Gee, let me check my super hero manual. Oh, wait, it's in my other tights."
Kate Bishop: "Don't bother to thank me or anything."
Patriot: "For what? I don't need a rescue! Especially not from a-"
Kate Bishop: "You will if you finish that sentence."
Hulkling: "According to the Bugle, we're the Young Avengers."
Asgardian: "Okay, before we call her, we have to come up with a better name."
Hulkling: "Well, your parents are in a good mood."
Wiccan: "Annoying, isn't it?"
Hulkling: "Which means you haven't told them yet."
Wiccan: "And ruin a perfectly annoying good mood?"
Kate Bishop: "Are you a... Young Avenger too?"
Cassie Lang: "Nope. But I'm gonna be."
Iron Lad: "Hulkling, what did I say about coming in through the rose window?"
Hulkling: "Patriot told me to."
Patriot: "I did not! I suggested it."
Cassie Lang: "They can't arrest us, because we haven't broken any laws."
Kate Bishop: "Yet."
Asgardian: "So who are these guys?"
Patriot: "Dealers. I caught 'em selling MGH in the park."
Hulkling: "At the risk of sounding dangerously unhip, what's MGH?"
Who the f- are the Young Avengers?
So, when Iron Lad told me he was in trouble - that he needed a Super Soldier - I lied and told him he'd found one. And then I did what I had to do to become one.
Kate, if you found out you were going to become... Adolf Hitler, wouldn't you do everything in your power to make sure it never happens?
Patriot? You're going to be hearing this a lot, but let me be the first to say it... why can't you be more like Captain America?
Patriot: "How old are you?"
Cassie Lang: "Fifteen."
Patriot: "No, seriously, how old are you?"
Cassie Lang: "Seriously, I'm fifteen. In June."
I just want you guys to know... I loved being a Young Avenger.
I came to the Avengers for help, Captain. I won't make that mistake again.
I have been a voice with no body. A body, but not human. And now, a memory made real. Who knows what I might be next?
Vision in WandaVision - Season 1 Episode 9
You, Vision, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me. You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you're my love.
Wanda Maximoff in WandaVision - Season 1 Episode 9
Did I leave the oven on, or is it just you, hot stuff?
Agatha Harkness in WandaVision - Season 1 Episode 9
The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation.
Agatha Harkness in WandaVision - Season 1 Episode 9
Halloween. The one day of the year it's socially acceptable to play dress-up. The only question is, who do you want to be? There are costumes to make men feel like boys again. Or turn little girls into queens.
Gossip Girl in Gossip Girl - Season 3
Like all good things the witching hour must come to an end. True natures are revealed. Tricks are turned into treats. And taking off costumes is as much fun as putting them on. Except for little girls who forget that Halloween is only one night. They wear their costumes for so long pretty soon they can’t even remember who they were before they put them on. XOXO - Gossip Girl.
Gossip Girl in Gossip Girl - Season 3
Remember, with great power. comes great responsibility!
Uncle Ben in Spider-Man
When you look in her eyes and she's looking back in yours, everything feels not quite normal, because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and at the same time, terrified. The truth is, you don't know what you feel except you know what kind of man you want to be. It's as if you've reached the unreachable and you weren't ready for it.
Peter Parker in Spider-Man
Loki: "I have an army."
Iron Man: "We have a Hulk!"
Captain America: "Big man in a suit-armor. Take that away, what are you?"
Iron Man: "A genius billionaire playboy philanthropist..."
We'll all fly away together. One last time. Into the forever. And beautiful sky.
Drax: "We'll kill anyone who gets in our way!"
Quill: "No not kill anyone."
Drax: "Kill a few people."
Quill: "Kill no people."
Drax: "Kill one guy. One stupid guy who no one loves."
Quill: "Now you're just making it sad."
Black Widow: "I don't know, the truth is a matter of circumstances. It's not all things to all people all the time, and neither am I."
Captain America: "That's a tough way to live."
Black Widow: "It's a good way not to die though."
Black Widow in Captain America - The Winter Soldier
Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eyes and say no, you move.
Sharon Carter in Captain America - Civil War
You know what scares me the most? When it happens, when it comes over me and I totally lose control... I like it.
Bruce Banner in Hulk
Thanks, but the last time I was in New York, I kind of broke... Harlem.
No amount of money ever bought a second of time.
Iron Man in The Avengers - Endgame
Thor: "Have care how u speak! Loki is beyond reason, but he's from Asgard and he's my brother."
Black Widow: "He killed 80 people in 2 days."
Thor: "He's adopted..."
Your little cinematic universe is about to change forever. I'm the Messiah. I am Marvel Jesus!
Paradox: "Mr. Wilson. You have appeared to have soiled yourself while unconscious."
Wade Wilson: "I wasn't unconscious. Who are you?"
Dr. Strange: "That doesn’t make any sense."
The Ancient One: "Not everything does. Not everything has to. "
We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them.
The only ones who gods care about is themselves.
Gorr in Thor - 4: Love and Thunder
These hands were once used for battle. Now they're but humble tools for peace. I need to figure out exactly who I am. I want to choose my own path. Live in the moment. My Super Hero-ing days are over.
Thor Odinson in Thor - 4: Love and Thunder
Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual.
Rocket Raccoon: "That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons."
Gamora: "No one's blowing up moons."
Rocket Raccoon: "You just wanna suck the joy out of everything."
Thor: "We are just like the humans. We are born, we live, we die."
Loki: "Give or take 5,000 years."
Loki in Thor - 2: The Dark World
I never wanted the throne, I only ever wanted to be your equal.
At some point we all have to choose. Between what the world wants you to be and who you are.
I’ve lived a lot of lives. But I’m done running from my past.
Natasha Romanova in Black Widow
In times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.
T’Challa in Black Panther
Only the most broken people can be great leaders.
Namor in Black Panther - 2: Wakanda Forever
You break the rules and become a hero. I do it, I become the enemy... that doesn't seem fair.
Wanda Maximoff in Doctor Strange - in the Multiverse of Madness

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