The best Quotes from The X-Files

The best Quotes from The X-Files

The X-Files is an American science fiction drama television series created by Chris Carter. The original television series aired from September 1993 to May 2002 on Fox.

You don't tell me where that other bomb is, and I'll make sure you spend your prison time on your bigoted hands and knees putting a big smile on some convict's face.
Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity.
There's a lot of money to be made in scaring people.
I've often felt that dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask.
"Back in the day." Scully, "back in the day" is now.
I don't have time for your convenient ignorance.
Time has a way of shedding light on injustices.
"Baby" me and you'll be peeing through a catheter.
I want you to do me a favor. It's not negotiable, either you do it, or I kill you. You understand?
The truth is out there, but so are lies.
You know, I haven't eaten since 6:00 this morning, and all that was was a half a cream cheese bagel, and it wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese!
Dana Scully - Season 5 Episode 12
No one, no government agency, has jurisdiction over the truth.
I'm not gonna ask you if you just said what I think you just said because I know it's what you just said.
Dana Scully - Season 3 Episode 12
What if there was only one choice and all the other ones were wrong? And there were signs along the way to pay attention to.
Dana Scully - Season 7 Episode 17
All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread, see what it unravels.
You two came along and you taught me not to hide from it, but to have the guts to shine a light directly into the darkest corners. And if given the choice between advancing my career by being blindly loyal to some faceless puppeteers pulling strings from the shadows or to throw in with you two, make no mistake about it, I'd make the same decision every single damn time.
When convention and science offer us no answers, might we not finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?
Who needs Google when you got Scully?
You're never "just" anything to me, Scully.
Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it.
The truth is out there.

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Steven King once wrote that nightmares exist outside of logic and there's little fun to be had in explanations. They're antithetical to the poetry of fear. In a horror story the victim keeps asking why, but there can be no explanation and there shouldn't be one. The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest and is what we'll remember in the end. My name is Alan Wake, I'm a writer.
A writer is a light that reveals the world of his story from darkness, shapes it from nothingness.
The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest, and it's what we'll remember in the end.
I'm not really a gamer.
If you're smart, you'll always be humble. You can learn all you want, but there'll always be somebody who's never read a book who'll know twice what you know.
The worst thing a man can admit is 'I'm not 100 percent fulfilled by my family.' But it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family. I love my family, but I still want to work; I still want challenges. It took me a while to fall in love with the responsibility of family life, and it was a deep thing when I did.
I believe people are in our lives for a reason. We're here to learn from each other.
Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.
I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that.
It's an interesting combination: Having a great fear of being alone, and having a desperate need for solitude and the solitary experience. That's always been a tug of war for me.
I've only been to Dublin once, and I had a great time. I got completely soaked because it was rainy.
I'm a technician. I don't go for the get-into-the-role stuff. I read the lines and play the scenes.
You know the funny thing is, on the outside I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.
Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption
There are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives.

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