The best Quotes from The Rings of Power (Page 2)

The best Quotes from The Rings of Power (Page 2)

Here you can find the best Quotes from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, the LotR series from Middle Earth, that has been released on Amazon Prime in September 2022.

Image: Amazon Studios
In my experience, it is unwise to live one's life guessing after signs and portents.
Elendil - Season 1 Episode 3
Galadriel: "Who is this mortal who speaks to me as if he has the slightest idea who I am?"
Elendil: "I have a daughter who runs fast, and a son who runs blind. Your eyes bear a striking resemblance to both."
Elendil - Season 1 Episode 3
Galadriel: "Come at me. We will see who can score flesh."
Elendil: "Anyone that does, I will promote to lieutenant."
Elendil - Season 1 Episode 5
The watery part of this world has a way of healing even the deepest of wounds.
Elendil - Season 1 Episode 3
Blovo Bolgerbuck. Bees. We all loved him, but he was an ijit.
Sadoc Burrows - Season 1 Episode 3
Where I came up, precious metals were scarce as hens' teeth.
Halbrand / Sauron - Season 1 Episode 8
A dog may bark at the moon. But he cannot bring it down.
Durin IV - Season 1 Episode 2
Poppy: "What does a giant eat, anyway? Hope it's not Harfoots."
Nori: "Just the ones that can't keep a secret."
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 2
It is said the wine of victory is sweetest for those in whose bitter trials it has fermented.
Elrond - Season 1 Episode 1
Poppy: "Can we turn back now? There's 110 things out here that could kill us."
Nori: "111 if you count you worrying to death."
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 1
Poppy: "You're my best friend in this whole wide, wild world. I'd do anything for ya."
Nori: "The world's not that wide, Poppy. It's just that we're so bleedin' small."
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 8
The past is with us all, whether we like it or not.
Arondir - Season 1 Episode 1
For the same wind that seeks to blow out a fire may also cause its spread.
Gil-galad - Season 1 Episode 1
Sadoc: "First the big people, now the stars. Eyes open when they should be sleeping. Almost like they're watching for something."
Nori: "Watching for what?"
Sadoc: "A tongue-lashing, if you don't mind your own cartwheels."
Sadoc Burrows - Season 1 Episode 1
Elanor Brandyfoot, with your father's nose, and always poking it into trouble. You are far too curious and meddlesome to have been born a Harfoot. Are you quite certain you're not part squirrel?
Sadoc Burrows - Season 1 Episode 1
Well, in the grand tradition of bad ideas, this might well be the worst yet.
Sadoc Burrows - Season 1 Episode 8
Elrond: "You have fought long enough, Galadriel. Put up your sword."
Galadriel: "Without it, what am I to be?"
Elrond: "What you have always been. My friend."
Elrond - Season 1 Episode 1
Most wounds to our bodies heal of their own accord, so, it is their labor instead to render hidden truths as works of beauty. For beauty has great power to heal the soul.
Arondir - Season 1 Episode 1
Elendil: "Thought you were going west?"
Isildur: "Not anymore. Not 'til I've done something worthy of Númenor."
Isildur - Season 1 Episode 5
Elrond: "It's hard to see what is right when friendship and duty are mingled."
Gil-galad: "Such is the burden of those who lead and those who would seek to."
Gil-galad - Season 1 Episode 1
How long can living flesh endure where even sunlight fears to tread?
Thondir - Season 1 Episode 1
Galadriel: "But sometimes the lights shine just as brightly reflected in the water as they do in the sky. How am I to know which lights to follow?"
Finrod: "Sometimes we cannot know until we have touched the darkness."
Galadriel: "But that seems so simple."
Finrod: "The most important truths often are."
Finrod Felagund - Season 1 Episode 1
Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot? Because the stone sees only downward. The darkness of the water is vast and irresistible. The ship feels the darkness as well, striving moment by moment to master her and pull her under. But the ship has a secret. For unlike the stone, her gaze is not downward but up. Fixed upon the light that guides her, whispering of grander things than darkness ever knew.
Finrod Felagund - Season 1 Episode 1
Evil does not sleep, Elrond. It waits. And in the moment of our complacency, it blinds us.
Galadriel - Season 1 Episode 1
It was the sea that put her in my path. And the sea is always right.
Elendil - Season 1 Episode 3
True creation requires sacrifice.
Celebrimbor - Season 1 Episode 2
So for centuries now, these soldiers have swept across crag and crevice, washing away the last remnants of our enemy like a spring rain over the bones of a spoilt carcass. And now, at last, they return to us in triumph, for they have proven beyond any doubt that our days of war are over. Today, our days of peace begin.
Gil-galad - Season 1 Episode 1
Suppose you did fall quite a long way. Anybody's head would be a bit higgledy-piggledy. I fell out of a tree once. For a whole week, I kept callilng strawberries "pigberries".
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 2
Bronwyn: "Alfirin seeds."
Arondir: "It is a tradition among Elves. Before the battle begins, plant one."
Bronwyn: "New life, in defiance of death?"
Bronwyn - Season 1 Episode 6
A Harfoot without manners is as like to get far in life as a square wheel.
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 2
And now, before we begin our next journey, we remember those from prior migrations, who fell behind. And should any Harfoot fall behind this migration, they likewise will be carried with us in our hearts and in our memories.
Sadoc Burrows - Season 1 Episode 3
I'm just a Harfoot. That's all I'll ever be.
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 7
A mountain's like a person. It's a long and ever-changing story made of countless small parts. Earth and ore, air and water.
Disa - Season 1 Episode 2
If I turn around, I won't ever be able to leave.
Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 8
If there are any of you here who want to live, we make for the Elven Tower at first light.
Bronwyn - Season 1 Episode 2
You harm a hair on her foot, and I'll brain the lot of ya!
Largo Brandyfoot - Season 1 Episode 7
The Faithful believe that when the petals of the White Tree fall, it is no idle thing, but the very tears of the Valar themselves. A living reminder that their eyes and their judgement are ever upon us.
Queen Míriel - Season 1 Episode 3
There can be no trust between hammer and rock. Eventually, one or the other must surely break.
Durin III - Season 1 Episode 2
Find the light and the shadow will not find you.
Season 1
Our people believe that when a new Dwarf-King is crowned, the voices of all his forbearers flow into him, sharing with him their counsel and wisdom. Even their mistakes.
Durin III - Season 1 Episode 4
Dina: "How it it that you and my husband met?"
Durin: "I told you, I saved him from a hill-troll. Two of 'em."
Elrond: "Then I fear I have no choice but to amend your husband's account. There were three trolls. And it was I who saved him. When I came upon him in the forest, he was in the midst of dodging their mallet blows. Wailing and screaming and such."
Durin: "It was a battle cry!"
Durin IV - Season 1 Episode 4
The mightiest thing a Dwarf can do is to be worthy of the name of his father.
Durin IV - Season 1 Episode 7
Dwarven anger outlives even Elven memory. Break your promise, and the power of this stone will doom you and your kin to sorrow, to your last day on this Middle-earth.
Durin IV - Season 1 Episode 4
World's strange. If I let 'em pitch-kettle me, I'd never get off me barstool.
Season 1 Episode 1
My brother gave his life hunting the enemy. His task is now mine.
Galadriel - Season 1 Episode 1
Rather than rest in glory, I chose to seek out the very enemy responsible for your suffering.
Galadriel - Season 1 Episode 2
The past is dead. We either move forward or we die with it.
Galadriel: "I am simply wondering what manner of man would so readily abandon his companions to death."
Halbrand: "The sort that knows how to survive."
Halbrand / Sauron - Season 1 Episode 2
I've seen a trace of nickel added to iron to make a blade lighter and stronger.
Halbrand / Sauron - Season 1 Episode 8
Elves have forests to protect. Dwarves their mines. Men their fields of grain. Even trees have to worry about the soil beneath their roots. But we Harfoots have each other. We're safe.

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