Quotes and Sayings about Taxes

Quotes and Sayings about Taxes
If giving tax breaks to millionaires created jobs or grew our economy, I would be in favor of them, but they are the same failed policies of the past that just don't work.
Having a lower tax, simpler, fairer, flatter tax system is something that can drive growth.
Why is it called tax "evasion" but welfare "scam"? It's all right that rich people cheat, but when poor people do it, it's messed up.
Simon Eriksson in Young Royals - Season 1 Episode 1
The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30% of their ice cream.
The only two things that scare me are God and the IRS.
We couldn't do what we're doing today without a fair tax structure, based on the idea that the ones who earn more money have to pay more taxes.
Olaf Scholz - May 2020
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
I think for some, the very wealthiest among us, for corporations, taxes are too low.

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As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.
If you lose money you lose much,
If you lose friends you lose more,
If you lose faith you lose all.
No amount of money ever bought a second of time.
Iron Man in The Avengers - Endgame
Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.
Making money isn't hard in itself. What's hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one's life to.
Who needs wealth when you can make a woman laugh?
Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones - Season 5 Episode 3
Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.
I don't know what's better gettin' laid or gettin' paid.
After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
Mister Spock in Star Trek - Season 2 Episode 1
Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
Don Lucchesi in The Godfather - Teil 3
Money is the McMansion in Sarasota, that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.
Francis Underwood in House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 2
You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy.
Garth Brooks (American singer/songwriter)
Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter! It only seems like it does.
Fred Young in Blow
There are people who have money and people who are rich.
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.
There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.
Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.
Thank you, Kamala Harris, for the trust that you've placed in me. And maybe more so, thank you for bringing back the joy. I couldn't be prouder to be on this ticket - and to help make you the next President of the United States.
Tim Walz - August 2024
While it's not very Minnesotan to brag, I've got to brag on our state a little here: We were just ranked #1 in the country for health care.
Tim Walz - July 2024
We must be clear that any unilateral call for a cease-fire by Russia is completely meaningless in the current context.
Rishi Sunak - December 2022
I have just been to Buckingham Palace and accepted His Majesty The King's invitation to form a government in his name.
Rishi Sunak - October 2022
August: "Felice Ehrencrona. I'm going to marry her."
Erik: "Well, you'll have to stop sleeping around then."
August: "One must lay the foundation while they're still too insecure to object."
August of Årnäs in Young Royals - Season 1 Episode 1
Sara: "No one likes me when I'm me."
Simon: "I like you when you're you!"
Young Royals - Season 1 Episode 6
Life is so damn short. For f's sake, just do what makes you happy!
I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person.
You can't ruin a friendship with sex. That's like trying to ruin ice cream with chocolate sprinkles
Hey kid, you know how your mom won't let you have icecream 'til after dinner, but then the waiting kind of makes it taste better? Well, I've been waiting two months for that bowl of ice cream - and tonight I'm gonna have sex with it.
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 7 Episode 7
Still takin' my time to perfect the beat
And I still got love for the streets, it's the D.R.E.
Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E., Album: 2001
Since the last time you heard from me I lost some friends
Well, hell, me and Snoop, we dippin' again
Kept my ear to the streets, signed Eminem
He's triple platinum, doin' fifty a week
Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E., Album: 2001
Our world has become more restless and rough; it is changing at a breathtaking pace. We also cope with headwinds. This does not make the challenges of our time any smaller.
Olaf Scholz - December 2023
Terror will not win, hatred will not prevail. Israel has every right to defend and to protect itself and its citizens. In this dark hour, Germany and France stand firmly by Israel's side.
Olaf Scholz - Oktober 2023
A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.
Half a truth is often a great lie.
There's no death for those who don't fear it.
Death is so close, always, a breath away, so perhaps it was wise to introduce children to that concept at an early age.
We will work to ensure that the Democratic nominee is successful in defeating Donald Trump in 2020. I can tell you firsthand from having the chance to know the candidates, we will be well served by any one of them, and I’m going to be proud to support whoever she or he is.
Beto O'Rourke - November 2019
I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your rights - anytime, anywhere, anyplace.

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MoneySimon ErikssonTim WalzRishi SunakYoung RoyalsBill MurrayIce CreamDr. DreOlaf ScholzBenjamin Franklin