Quotes and Sayings about Style

Quotes and Sayings about Style
My style statement is to be myself! Because if you try to imitate someone else, you will end up feeling uncomfortable.
Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.
Forget about style; worry about results.
Style, like taste, is resistant to lucid definition; however, both, as living things should be, are subject to constant change.
Fashions fade, style is eternal.
Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.
Garen: "Show them our strength!"
Fiora: "What is strength without style?"
Don't try to dress like me or wear your hair like mine. Find your own style.
For me, style is all about confidence. What you wear, both in terms of clothing and jewellery, should add to your confidence.
Style is something very individual, very personal, and in their own unique way, I believe everyone is stylish.
Style, to me, is an extension of one's personality, a kind of self expression which is very personal. It is an expression of your moods, your personality.
Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way.
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.

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I'm like every other woman: a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear: So I wear jeans.
Supermodels... heh! Nothing super about them. Spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves.
Edna Mode in The Incredibles
Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.
Nobody can reinvent fashion. The only thing you can do is interpret the styles of the past in your own unique way.
Some victories are merely defeat wearing the wrong clothing.
Dress like you are going to meet your worst enemy today!
The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.
Good clothing is a passport for happiness.
Fashion is not about a concept. It's about looking beautiful.
Pierre Cadault in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 9
I don't design clothes, I design dreams.
I like my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet!
Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shows can change your life.
Phoebe: "It's not mine, I didn't earn it. If i kept it, it would be like stealing."
Rachel: "Yeah, but if you spent it, it would be like shopping."
Rachel Green in Friends - Season 1 Episode 3
Sweetie, I just spent $395 on a pair of open-toed Gucci's last week. This is not the place to be frugal.
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Season 1 Episode 10
We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves.
Banksy in Wall and Piece
Men go shopping to buy what they need. Women go shopping to find out what they want.
Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells.
Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.
When you know someone, and you get to work with them, automatically there is this comfort zone which comes in.
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
I am an artist... I am here to live out loud.
It's harder to build a good chair than to build a skyscraper.
The kids wait for it to be organized. They want to go play all of these tournaments, for a little practice time. I learned my skills by dropping the puck just with the kids. I think that's missing today.
The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves. But for those who haven't had the fortune of finding this happiness, I am there.
A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.
Best way to the heart is between the ribs.
I am an artist with a sword, in more ways than one.
I have tried my whole life to represent my Mexican roots with honor and pride.
Being a part of memorable movies has always been the goal.
At the end of the day, I don't think I pick the jewelry. The jewelry picks me.
Anna Shay in Bling Empire - Season 2
A lion runs the fastest when he is hungry.
I do have moments when I feel insecure. I do have moments when I feel jealous, and that's normal. It's a very normal emotion. It's your action and your attitude and your reaction to that that is important.

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