Quotes from Tales of the Jedi

Quotes from Tales of the Jedi

Here you can find the best Quotes from Tales of the Jedi, a Star Wars series that has been released on Disney+ in October 2022. There's also a series of comics that has been published under the same title in the 90s.

Dagonet: "You serve the Senate."
Dooku: "No. We serve the people of this Republic."
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 2
For a Jedi to succumb to a surprise attack is rare. Unless that attack is from someone one would trust.
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 3
My friend, your devotion to rules is sometimes inspiring and sometimes maddening.
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 3
Dooku: "I want only to bring peace and order to the galaxy."
Yaddle: "Already so many have suffered for what you call 'order'."
Yaddle - Season 1 Episode 4
Dooku: "Do you think the Jedi will truly keep peace if they continue to take everything the Senate says as law?"
Windu: "Luckily, we are guided by our Council and not by politics nor ego."
Mace Windu - Season 1 Episode 3
Dooku, step to me. Whatever your crimes are, help me now. Whatever lies he's told you, whatever you have done, you can make up for it now by bringing him to justice.
Yaddle - Season 1 Episode 4
I've been warning them about the coming darkness for years, never to be taken seriously.
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 4
The best way I can protect you is to teach you how to protect yourself.
Anakin Skywalker - Season 1 Episode 5
You lost an apprentice, and so did I. All in service of our greater goals. The galacy will not be remade without sacrifice.
Emperor Palpatine - Season 1 Episode 4
Dooku: "I will not be there to protect you, my old Padawan."
Qui-Gon: "You need not worry, Master. Obi-Wan fills that role now. He acquits himself quite well."
Qui-Gon Jinn - Season 1 Episode 4
Dooku: "Running back to your Council?"
Yaddle: "It is you who has run, Dooku, into the arms of evil."
Yaddle - Season 1 Episode 4
Jocasta Nu: "Qui-Gon Jinn always had such an active imagination. As did you, Dooku."
Count Dooku: "A quality valued less and less in these great halls."
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 4
Dooku: "They grow up so fast, our students."
Yaddle: "Yes, it is the way of things."
Yaddle - Season 1 Episode 4
You were right about so many things. The Council should've listened. Qui-Gon did not have to die.
Yaddle - Season 1 Episode 4
Everywhere there is life but you must face death. Honor it. Do not fear it.
Pav-ti - Season 1
You must face death, Ahsoka. Do not fear it.
Pav-ti - Season 1 Episode 1
Dooku: "Your actions saved many lives today."
Qui-Gon: "Just thinking in the moment, Master."
Dooku: "Well, then you're a much wiser man than I, Qui-Gon Jinn."
Qui-Gon: "Thanks to your teachings."
Qui-Gon Jinn - Season 1 Episode 2
Jedi are lapdogs of the Senate. Their bidding always comes first. It's evident throughout the galaxy. Jedi claim peace but mostly keep law and order for the rich and the powerful.
Season 1 Episode 3
We never take more than we need.
Pav-ti - Season 1 Episode 1
Lost crusaders without a crusade, the Mandalorians fight because it is their way - not for power or wealth, but for personal honor!
The Sith War
As their plans proceed, far from the watchful eyes of the loyal Jedi Knights, other vicious crusaders turn their attentions to what may seem to be easy pickings.
The Sith War
If you care about the future of the Jedi... you will join me in my exploration of the most ancient, most wise, and most powerful Jedi secrets - then we can change the Galaxy!
The Sith War
Corruption like yours must be eradicated.
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 2
Dooku: "Qui-Gon Jinn has become one with the Force. It is time to let him go."
Yaddle: "And you can do this?"
Dooku: "What choice have I?"
Count Dooku - Season 1 Episode 4
Obi-Wan: "You're right on time."
Anakin: "Oh, really? I thought I was late."
Obi-Wan: "That's what I meant."
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Season 1 Episode 5
I'm tired of fighting.
Ahsoka Tano - Season 1 Episode 6

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Good. Twice the pride - double the fall.
Dooku chose his next words carefully. "Qui-Gon returned from Tatooine with a former slave boy. According to the boy's mother, the boy had no father."
The whispering of his name can rekindle hope, and hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess.
Count Dooku in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Episode 2
It's a great pity that our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were still alive. I could use his help right now.
A failed apprentice makes for a foolish master.
Count Dooku in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 Episode 14
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.
Your focus determines your reality.
You've been a good apprentice, Obi-Wan. And you're a much wiser man than I am. I foresee you will become a great Jedi knight.
Obi-Wan is ready. He is headstrong, and he has much to learn of the living Force, but he is capable. There is little more he can learn from me.
Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way.
If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.
You will find that many of the truths we cling to, depend greatly on our own point of view.
As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I've been since I was a Padawan is a soldier.
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 7 Episode 11
There aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers.
We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi. And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.
Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.
Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.
While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict....
Bo-Katan: "I haven't seen battle droids since the Clone Wars."
Din: "I have."
Bo-Katan: "Any of 'em look suspicious?"
Din: "They all look suspicious."
Din Djarin in The Mandalorian - Season 3 Episode 6

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