The best Quotes from Star Wars Videogames

The best Quotes from Star Wars Videogames

Here you can find the best Quotes from Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR), Jedi: Fallen Order, Jedi: Survivor, Battlefront, Jedi Knight, Lego Star Wars and many other Star Wars videogames.

Everyone gets scared, kid. Without fear, you can't have courage.
Poe Dameron - Lego Star Wars
Love is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
People like you are the reason hope can prevail. Hope is the reason we're going to win.
Leia Organa - Battlefront II
Iden: "You really trust us to fight beside you?"
Lando: "What can I say? I'm a big believer in second chances."
Lando Calrissian - Battlefront II
We fight so that others can live. And if we die, it better be for the same reason.
Iden Versio - Battlefront II
But it's never over. We stand here now with a chance to learn. To rebuild from our mistakes.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
I'm not interested in power. I want to restore the Order.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
There are three rules to survive: Don't stand out; don't reach out. Accept the past. Trust no one; trust only in the Force.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
The lives of every child on that list will be forever changed. Not by us. Their destiny should be trusted to the force.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
You know I've been alone for... a while now. Without any purpose. Just hiding. It's no way to live. Not for a Jedi. Or a droid. Maybe Cere was right. Maybe we're done hiding.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
As long as we fight - hope survives.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Survivor
A Jedi. Remind our friend here why his kind are supposed to be dead.
Jedi: Survivor
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Definition: Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Warning: It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Mark VII prototype: "I have learned to appreciate the value of all life."
HK-47: "That is very sad. Are you damaged? Is it repairable?"
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
As a meatbag would say: "I have a bad feeling about this."
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Observation: I am a droid, master, with programming. Even if I did not enjoy killing, I would have no choice. Thankfully, I enjoy it very much.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
I'm an assasin droid. It is my primary function to burn holes through meatbags that you wished removed from the galaxy... Master.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
The Jedi, they were almost... like gods.
Juhani in Star Wars Games - Knights of the Old Republic
You are a very harsh master, master. I like you.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
You want love, you've got to fight for it. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you and the one you love simply aren't meant to be. The trick is to know when that is, to know when it's time to fight and when it's time to part ways. Love causes pain, certainly. Inevitably, love is going to lead to as much sorrow and regret as it does joy. How you deal with the bad part of love determines your character, what determines the dark side's hold over you. Love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled. But passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love, that's what they should teach you to beware. But love itself will save you... not condemn you.
Jolee Bindo in Star Wars Games - Knights of the Old Republic
What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause?
Bastila in Star Wars Games - Knights of the Old Republic
[Code of the Sith]
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.
Yuthura Ban in Star Wars Games - Knights of the Old Republic
[Code of the Jedi]
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.
Grand Master Vandar Tokare in Star Wars Games - Knights of the Old Republic
Definition: What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
Your commander and I have something in common- I once flew for the Empire too. At Skystrike Academy. Turning to the Rebellion was the smartest move I ever made. I wish more of my friends had done the same.
Wedge Antilles - Squadrons
Kyle Katarn: "Why can't you Jedi ever do things the simple way?"
Luke Skywalker: "If the ways of the Jedi were easy, there'd be millions of us, instead of dozens."
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Kyle: "You always did plan for the worst."
Lando: "Ever since that run-in with Vader..."
Lando Calrissian - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Desann: "Kyle? Kyle Katarn? You're the legendary hero that destroyed Jerec at the Valley of the Jedi? You look like nothing more than a bantha herder."
Kyle: "Well, you look like an over-grown Kowakian monkey-lizard, so I guess looks don't count for much."
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Luke: "I sense a disturbance in the Force."
Kyle: "You always sense a disturbance in the Force."
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Luke: "Kyle, Jaden, you'll be going to Vjun."
Kyle: "Vjun? Isn't that just a big dead rock?"
Luke: "It also happens to be the location of one of my father's strongholds."
Kyle: "Okay. So it's a big dead important rock."
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Mission to Tatooine successful. Imperial recruiters have been rousted as planned. Imperial resistance greater than anticipated - please adjust pay accordingly.
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Kyle: "I'm no Jedi. I'm just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions."
Red-Eye: "Of course. Many peoples have them."
Kyle: "Lightsabers?"
Red-Eye: "Questions."
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Gravity is a harsh mistress.
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
Never trust a bartender with bad grammar.
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Jan Ors: "What would you do without me, Kyle?"
Kyle: "I'd be a content old man."
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
A new stormtrooper that can take out a Rebel base that quickly? I shoulda kept working for the Empire.
Kyle Katarn - Dark Forces
Kyle: "Mon Mothma must be getting paranoid. She never used to send pros like us out on blue milk runs like this."
Mon: "Kyle, Jan, greetings."
Jan: "Mon Mothma. Kyle was just talking about you."
Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Freeing the opressed. That's where the passion to keep fighting comes from. Every death, every dead end, creates a fighter who isn't afraid to lose. Enough of them and we'll take the day.
Saw Gerrera - Jedi: Fallen Order
Nothing unites people like tragedy. Everything the Empire takes from us only makes us stronger. Each injustice spurs others to join our cause.
Saw Gerrera - Jedi: Fallen Order
These have been hard years. We've lost comrades, friends, family to the Empire. Dark times. And yet the fire still burns. Hope still burns. The Jedi are not yet lost. We are not yet lost!
Saw Gerrera - Jedi: Fallen Order
Good. Keep failing. Keep getting back up. That is the only way to succeed.
Jaro Tapal in Star Wars Games - Jedi: Fallen Order
We will always struggle, but that is the test. It's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are.
Cere Junda in Star Wars Games - Jedi: Fallen Order
Our mistakes are in the past. And it's all of our responsibility and it's about what we do next that's important.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
Having a lightsaber isn't what makes you a Jedi. We were peace keepers. We were betrayed by those we protected. Hunted down by the Empire. I might be one of the last of my kind.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
Vader: "You would be wise to surrender."
Cal: "Yeah, probably."
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order
We did. I wouldn't be here without all of you. I used to sit on Bracca dreaming about storming Coruscant with survivors from the Jedi Council. Instead, the Order's hopes rest on a gambler, a fallen Jedi, and a failed Padawan. A bunch of screw ups.
Cal Kestis - Jedi: Fallen Order

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Cheating seems to be a relevant term only when one is caught in the act. Otherwise it is viewed as intelligence, no?
HK-47 - Knights of the Old Republic
The truth can hurt. But lies are worse.
Kyle Katarn in Star Wars Books - Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
The old ways are done. You can either adapt and survive, or die with the past. The decision is yours.
Saw Gerrera in Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Season 1 Episode 1
Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way.

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