Quotes and Sayings about Spiders

Quotes and Sayings about Spiders
Player: "It's no wonder spiders give people goosebumps."
Sebastian: "Could be the hairy legs. Or the soulless eyes. Or the venomous fangs. Any number of endearing qualities, really."
Sebastian Sallow in Hogwarts Legacy
Only the spider is safe in her web.
"Follow the spiders"... Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?
Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.

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A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water logged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?
Who feeds a hungry animal, feeds his own soul.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.
Treat your pet in a way that you could easily exchange roles anytime.
There are no strange creatures, only blinkered people.
Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts - 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
The only honest reaction and true loyalty that we get is from our animals.
Animals don't judge you as long as you're really good at heart. They don't care who you are or what you've done in your past.
Joe Exotic in Tiger King - Season 1 Episode 2
I've always had a fascination for animals. I loved watching them, and even then I thought of them as beings rather than pets. I call it a birth affect!
The older I get, the more individuality I find in animals and the less I find in humans.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people.
The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.
Animal lovers are a special breed of humans, generous of spirit, full of empathy, perhaps a little prone to sentimentality, and with hearts as big as a cloudless sky.
There is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of man.
Cruelty against animals is one of the most specific signs of ignorant people.
Animals have more to offer than warm pelts and meat.
That there's a term for "animal protection" is a shame for humankind.
Nature's my religion. Earth's my church. Loving every creature is my belief.
Magic, both beautiful and powerful, binds together our long history. That common bond we share is the legacy of Hogwarts.
Every corridor, every portrait, every stone in this castle tells the story of witches and wizards who came before. Here you will meet lifelong friends and grow into your own magical abilities in the class rooms of the worlds most talented professors.
I hear man likes a lady with legs.
Ladies wish they had legs like me.
You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant... but scary.
Hermione: "I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules."
Ron: "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?"
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
Superstition is a sign of a weak mind.
Clouds symbolize the veils that shroud God.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew - 7,12
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.
You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts... but you cannot deny he's got style.
Myrtle: "D'you think I don't know what people call me behind my back? Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Miserable, moaning, moping Myrtle!"
Peeves: "You've forgotten pimply!"
In a world without love, death means nothing.
Long before blades and sorcery are needed, words... can save a soul.
Rhaast: "A craftsman never blames his tools."
Kayn: "I will make an exception in this case."
The only true death is to never live.
What's in my violin case? Violence.
What's that smell? Oh, it's me.
Hate and love are just two words for passion.
Knowledge is a paradox. The more one understands, the more one realizes the vastness of his ignorance.
Viktor, the Machine Herald in Arcane - Season 2 Episode 6
I like my weapons how I like my music, heavy and metal.
My profession? You know, now that I think of it... I always wanted to be a baker.

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