Quotes and Sayings about Socialism

Quotes and Sayings about Socialism
Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind.
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money.
I am convinced that the path to a new, better and possible world is not capitalism, the path is socialism.
If you grew up during that Cold War period, then you saw a time in politics when the word 'socialism' could be used to end an argument. Today, I think a word like that is the beginning of a debate, not the end of a debate.
Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy.
Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.
The goal of socialism is communism.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?
The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.

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If there's not enough coffee for everyone, there's coffee for no one.
Freddie Thorne: "What kind of a list would have the name of a communist and the name of a bookmaker side by side?"
Thomas Shelby: "Perhaps it's a list of men who give false hope to the poor."
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 1
Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.
Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.
Death is a preferable alternative to communism.
Liberty Prime in Fallout
Communism is like an autoimmune disorder; it doesn't do the killing itself, but it weakens the system so much that the victim is left helpless and unable to fight off anything else.
Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity - in short, of tyranny - and it is committed to making tyranny universal.
Communism is the corruption of a dream of justice.
I don't really view communism as a bad thing.
For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.
The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property!
Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky.
Communist until you get rich
Feminist until you get married
Atheist until the airplane starts falling
You know what capitalism is? Gettin' f*cked!
Tony Montana in Scarface
Oh it's a mystery to me
You think you have to want more than you need
Eddie Vedder - Society
Capitalism has worked very well. Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome.
There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.
Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.
We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves.
Banksy in Wall and Piece
There was too much noise in the world. Before, it seemed like we were just sleeping in a continuous stream of information and news, buying junk that we didn't even need.
Oliver Frost in The Day Before
Go to college. Then you can rip people off and get paid for it. It's called capitalism.
Michael De Santa in GTA - Grand Theft Auto - V
I find it rather easy to portray a businessman. Being bland, rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me.
It's easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor.
Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones - Season 5 Episode 9
I am convinced that the way to build a new and better world is not capitalism. Capitalism leads us straight to hell.
As long as weapons of mass destruction exist, primarily nuclear weapons, the danger is colossal. All nations should declare... that nuclear weapons must be destroyed. This is to save ourselves and our planet.
If my critics saw me walking on water, they would say it's because I can't swim.
Venezuela has changed forever.
I am a Democrat because I believe in protecting freedom, fairness, families, and the future.
Pete Buttigieg - December 2016
The war is won, but the peace is not.
Albert Einstein - December 1945
Let's be clear. This election won't be over when Trump says it's over. It will be over after every vote is counted.
Bernie Sanders - during US Election Night 2020
The economy is changing, the pace of change is accelerating, and what we’ve got to do is master those changes in order to make them work for us.
Pete Buttigieg - March 2019, via Twitter
Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Venezuela, given its extraordinary educational, cultural, and social developments, and its vast energy and natural resources, is called on to become a revolutionary model for the world.
I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.
Words of affirmation!? I was raised by Asian parents. I've never heard one word of affirmation in my life. Their love language is verbal abuse.
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
The truth is always there, whether we see it or not - whether we choose to or not. The truth doesn't care about our needs or wants. It doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions.
Valery Legasov in Chernobyl - Episode 5

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