Quotes and Lyrics by Selena Gomez

Quotes and Lyrics by Selena Gomez

Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992) is an American singer, actress, businesswoman and producer.

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lyin' close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again, I know I’d go back to you
Back To You, Album: Rare
We'd always go into it blindly
I needed to lose you to find me
This dancing was killing me softly
I needed to hate you to love me
Lose You To Love Me, Album: Rare
I want a boyfriend
But I just keep hitting dead ends
Try to take a shortcut, but I get cut again and again
I want a boyfriend
Tell me, are there any good ones left?
I keep finding wrong ones, but I want love again and again
Boyfriend, Album: Rare
You might be right be right, but I don't care
The Heart Wants What It Wants, Album: For You
The Heart wants what it Wants
The Heart Wants What It Wants, Album: For You
Our love was made to rule the world
Forget Forever

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Heartbreak is the loneliest feeling in the world. And the truth is it happens to us all.
Love makes you do crazy, stupid, irrational things.
Nadine: "Lucy, do you think you want to try getting out of bed today?"
Amanda: "We're getting smell complaints from the city. Have you just been masturbating and braiding your hair for three weeks?"
Lucy: "My vibrator will never break my heart."
Amanda: "Well, it will break your v*gina."
"Is this the heartbreak gallery?"
Lucy: "You're in the right place. Welcome!"
You're human and I'm a monster. It's like freaky friday but on a tuesday.
Jonathan in Hotel Transylvania - 4: Transformania
I always thought the worst thing ever would be seeing you go, but the worst is seeing you unhappy.
Human blood is so fatty and you never know where its been.
Jonathan: "Are these monsters gonna kill me?"
Dracula: "Not as long as they think you're a monster."
Jonathan: "That's kinda racist."
Jonathan in Hotel Transylvania
Armor: "Sir, sir, we have an urgent plumbing issue."
Dracula: "Plumbing?
Armor: "There is a clogged toilet in room 348."
Dracula: "It's okay, we all get stomach aches, Mr. Bigfoot."
Dracula: "No, honey, you're too young."
Mavis: "I'm a hundred and eighteen years old."
Speaking of awesome, that cape thing is killing it!
Jonathan in Hotel Transylvania
Welcome to Hotel Transylvania. It's a place I built for all those monsters hiding from the persecution of humankind, a place of relaxation and tranquility.
Ever since she was born I've wanted to protect my little ghoul so I created a place where all monsters could be safe, from them! This is Hotel Transylvania. All of our monster friends are right here, the Mummy, Wayne the Wolf and your Uncle Frank's dropping in too.
Dante: "[seeing a Confederate flag] What? Are you serious?"
Lila: "Newsflash, we're in deep Texas."
The stars at night, are big and bright,
deep in the heart of Texas,
The prairie sky is wide and high,
deep in the heart of Texas.
Of course, nobody I knew in East-Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian Physics. The only Newtons they cared about were Wayne and Fig.
Sheldon Cooper in Young Sheldon - Season 1 Episode 1
When a Texan gets knocked off a horse, he gets right back on. That is the second most important thing about bein' a Texan, right after thinkin' you're better than everybody else.
"Did you grow up in Texas?"
Meemaw: "Took my first bath in a ten-gallon hat."
Sheldon: "Texas, Oklahoma... what's the difference?"
Meemaw: "Hey, now, I think you might want to crack open your psychology textbook 'cause that there is crazy talk."
Amy: "Lino's reinventing Thanksgiving."
Zora: "Oh, good. 'Cause if there's anything Texans love, it's different sh-t."
From Scratch - Season 1
Since you went away
I bet you missed your exit
And drove right on through the Lone Star state
There's a seat for you at the rodeo
And I've got every slow dance saved
Besides the Mexican food sucks north of here anyway
Bowling for Soup - Ohio (Come Back to Texas), Album: A Hangover You Don’t Deserve
In Texas, it's football. In Georgia, football. There's an appreciation from the average person about football more than anywhere else. And we have that for basketball in New York. And we'll always have that in New York.
We don't need to worry
'Cause when we fall, we know how to land
Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight
'Cause we don't need permission to dance
BTS - Permission to Dance

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