The best Quotes by Samuel Beckett

The best Quotes by Samuel Beckett

Samuel Barclay Beckett (13 April 1906 – 22 December 1989) was an Irish novelist, dramatist, short story writer, theatre director, poet, and literary translator.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

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To never be sick can't be healthy.
F*ck reason - long live the nonsense!
Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.
So you're single? In Paris? Now I'm even more jealous. I mean, your life is croissants and sex.
Madeline Wheeler in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 3
I make the most money, I think, in Russia and Paris, for the people of those countries are so willing to be amused, so eager to see something new and out of the ordinary.
If Paris is a city of lights, Sydney is the city of fireworks.
An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris.
Quagmire: "You got to help me. I'm looking for a little boy with red overalls and a yellow shirt."
French Man: "You are looking to buy or to rent?"
Quagmire: "What? No! God! How is Paris considered a classy city?"
French Man: "The buildings are beautiful, the people are trash."
Do you realize this city is laid out in circles? Like they deliberately designed it to confuse us.
Emily Cooper in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 2
Paris seems like a big city, but it's really just a small town.
Camille in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 4
Of course, I love Paris. And the food is so delicious. The fashion, so chic. The lights, so magical. But the people, so mean.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 1
It's Paris. Everyone's serious about dinner.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 2
You haven't done Paris right until you've had at least one wildly inappropriate affair.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 4
Even a short stay in Dublin is like walking into literary history, accompanied by music.
My Dublin wasn't the Dublin of sing-songs, traditional music, sense of history and place and community.
I'm just a kid that defied the odds. I'm just a kid that ignored the doubt. I'm just a kid from a little place in Dublin, Ireland, that went all the way, and I'm going to continue to go all the way.
When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart.
Dublin is one of my favourite cities. It's an absolutely amazing place.
I've only been to Dublin once, and I had a great time. I got completely soaked because it was rainy.
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Dublin - which is kinda the same.
You can leave Dublin, but it will never leave you.
Simba: "Ouh. Jeez, what was that for?"
Rafiki: "It doesn't matter, it's in the past."
Simba: "Yeah, but it still hurts."
Rafiki: "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it."
Oh yes. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.
I'm strong, because I've been weak.
I'm fearless, because I've been afraid.
I am wise, because I've been foolish.
But there are mistakes that are necessary. Sometimes you have to die a little bit to get back to live a little longer.
I make mistakes like the next man. In fact, being - forgive me - rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be correspondingly huger.
It's just that... I just think that some things are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. It's the universe's way of providing contrast, you know? There have to be a few holes in the road. It's how life is.
In the beginning of a jorney, no one knows what to expect. They might have a vague idea the road ahead could be rough. That's what makes new beginnings so exciting. You don't know what will happen until it's over.
Sam Gardner in Atypical - Season 4
Beginnings can be painful. But that doesn't mean they're bad.
Sam Gardner in Atypical - Season 4
Nothing ever begins. There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any other story springs.

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