The best Quotes about Cops and the Police

The best Quotes about Cops and the Police
The police are either incompetent or corrupt. Or both.
Assane Diop in Lupin - Season 2 Episode 1
The police must obey the law while enforcing the law.
My main problem with cops is that they do what they're told. They say "Sorry mate, I'm just doing my job" all the f*cking time.
I really thought this job would have more car chases and explosions... and less homeless people doodooing everywhere.
Greg Jenko in 21 Jump Street
Cop partnerships are like marriages. You know each other better than your wives.
Harvey Dent in Gotham - Season 1 Episode 18
You, my friend have found your level in life. You've joined a society of morons called the police force!
Trevor Philips in GTA - Grand Theft Auto - V
There are three things cops never do: They don't vote Democrat, they don't drive Cadillacs and they never use personal vehicles.
Judy Hopps: "I came here to make the world a better place, but I think I broke it."
Chief Bogo: "The world has always been broken. That's why we need good cops."
It's true what they say: Cops and women don't mix. It's like eating a spoonful of Drano; sure, it'll clean you out, but it'll leave you hollow inside.
Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun
John McClane: "Drop it, d-ckhead. It's the police."
Tony: "You won't hurt me."
John McClane: "Oh, yeah? Why not?"
Tony: "Because you're a policeman. There are rules for policemen."
John McClane: "Yeah. That's what my captain keeps telling me."
John McClane in Die Hard
Those who died are justified
For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
It's about time law enforcement got as organized as organized crime.
Obviously, the police have their own political agenda, which is to crack down on activists like us.
Mr. Pink: "You kill anybody?"
Mr. White: "A few cops."
Mr. Pink: "No real people?"
Mr. White: "Just cops."
Mr. White in Reservoir Dogs
There's only two people in your life you should lie to... the police and your girlfriend.
Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first?
Don Vito Corleone in The Godfather

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Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one who rises against them and strikes back!
If citizens followed their leaders' example throughout history, the human race would have died out centuries ago.
Heather Brewer in Vladimir Tod - Ninth Grade Slays
Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
To overthrow oppression has been sanctioned by humanity and is the highest aspiration of every free man.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
You can destroy wood and brick, but you can't destroy a movement.
The revolutions of the Arab Spring happened because people realized they were the power.
When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.
Democracy isn't just there. We have to work for it together - every day.
Angela Merkel - October 2021, during the 31st Day of German Unity
It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not.
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 Episode 6
The right to work is a slogan which should be accepted by every democracy.
Pretty much all I say politically is I encourage people to register to vote.
Democracy functions best when we have an active citizenry.
A whole life blown away in the blink of an eye. Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.
Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in The Shawshank Redemption
I’ve known good criminals and bad cops. Bad priests, honorable thieves. You can be on one side of the law or the other. But if you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word. You can go home today with your money and never do this again. But you took something that wasn’t yours. And you sold it for a profit. You’re now a criminal. Good one, bad one? That’s up to you.
Mike Ehrmantraut in Better Call Saul - Season 1 Episode 9
The crime problem in New York is getting really serious. The other day the Statue of Liberty had both hands up.
Once I take out the leader, which is you, I'll have to contend with one or two enthusiastic wingmen. The last two guys, they always run.
Yeah, I'm rollin' down Rodeo with a shotgun
These people ain't seen a brown-skinned man
Since their grandparents bought one
Rage Against the Machine - Down Rodeo, Album: Evil Empire
So nice that I can count on you to back me up. You my best friend or not? You're supposed to agree with me, not tell me the truth.
Assane Diop in Lupin - Season 2 Episode 3
The more money there is, the bigger the patsies are.
Assane Diop in Lupin - Season 1 Episode 5
In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.
I mean, they say dou die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
Captain Dickson: "New assignment. Since you two cowboys love to drink booze, smoke weed with kids, and f*ck anything with a big ass in jeans with low self-esteem, I'm gonna send you to a place where all that shit is allowed."
Jenko: "Oh, I love Disneyland!"
Captain Dickson: "You two sons of b*tches are going to college!"
Captain Dickson in 21 Jump Street
Dent: "Rachel talks about you all the time. You've known her her whole life?"
Alfred: "No, not yet, sir."
Dent: "Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I should be aware of?"
Alfred: "You have no idea."
Harvey Dent in Batman - The Dark Knight
Fear doesn't need conquering. Fear tells you where the edge is. Fear is a good thing.
James Gordon in Gotham - Season 1 Episode 1
War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.
Niko Bellic in GTA - Grand Theft Auto - IV
I just saw the one place on a sheep that has no wool.
Stu Hopps in Zootopia
Frank: "Nice beaver!"
Jane: "Thank you. I just had it stuffed."
Jane Spencer Drebin in The Naked Gun
Supervisor: "Attention, whoever you are, this channel is reserved for emergency calls only."
John McClane: "No f*cking shit, lady! Does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza?"
John McClane in Die Hard
More trade with Qatar & Emirates is good against terrorism.

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