Quotes and Sayings about Playing

Quotes and Sayings about Playing

Playing, a source of joy and learning, accompanies us from childhood. It is a carefree expression of our imagination and creativity. Through play, we discover ourselves and connect with others. It helps us forget worries and reminds us to live in the moment. Whether it's a board game, sports, or music, playing nourishes our soul and brings a smile to our face. In the playful lightness, we find a place of joy and growth, where, for a moment, we can forget the world around us.

Not everything has to make sense. It's totally fine when it's fun.
A good player knows how to win the game, a good character knows how to lose it, while smiling.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
It's important to have balance in your life between work and play.
By playing for one hour, you can get to know someone better, than by talking for a year.
Life is more fun if you play games.
Rules are good. Rules help control the fun.
Monica Geller in Friends - Season 5 Episode 5
To master a new technology, you have to play with it.
We humans love to play. Over the last 300,000 years, we have come up with thousands, maybe millions of games. We play to appease the gods. We play to push our boundaries and hone ourselves to perfection. We play anywhere. On sand. On snow. Soil. Water. Tarmac. In these playgrounds, we reveal our inner selves. Our joy. Our shame. Our glory. And our pain. But the origin of play is anything but fun. Play has evolved from our fight to survive. If we didn't play, we would not be who we are today.
Because there's no way watching it can be more fun than playing it yourself.
Oh Il-nam in Squid Game - Season 1 Episode 9
Play is the work of childhood.
Genius is play, and man's capacity for achieving genius is infinite, and many may achieve genius only through play.

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A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who've forgotten how to listen.
If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.
Young boys should never be sent to bed... they always wake up a day older.
Children have got to be free to lead their own lives.
Sebastian in The Little Mermaid
Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.
Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms, when his hands are empty.
I do not make films primarily for children. I make them for the child in all of us, whether we be six or sixty.
For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.
Can't change the world by following all the rules.
Hermione: "I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules."
Ron: "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?"
You can pick the game, Niko Bellic, but you can't change the rules.
Dimitri Rascalov in GTA - Grand Theft Auto - IV
The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.
Joker in Batman - The Dark Knight
I'd rather break rules than people, but I can make exceptions.
You know how the game of chess is played. Pieces must be sacrificed!
The only opponents who aren't coming up with excuses for being defeated by me are computers.
Bobby Fischer (World Chess Champion)
All that matters on the chessboard is good moves.
Chess is life.
If you can't find something to live for, you best find something to die for.
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
In this world everything is governed by balance. There's what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose. And in this moment they think they have nothing to lose. And when you believe you've got nothing to lose, you're overconfident. We will be the ones that are going to show them just how much they have to lose.
The Professor in Money Heist - Season 3 Episode 3
You see things; and you say 'Why?"
But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?"
Keep true to the dreams of thy youth.
When I'm hiring a cook for one of my restaurants, and I want to see what they can do, I usually ask them to make me an omelette.
Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.
Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas
Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.
Rainbow drops - suck them and you can spit in six different colours.
Chandler: "Oh my God, those are my bedroom eyes? Why did you ever sleep with me?"
Monica: "Do you really want to pull at that thread?"
Monica Geller in Friends - Season 7 Episode 5
Love lasts forever, you know? Nothing like it in this lifetime. Money in the bank.
Ross Geller in Friends - Season 3 Episode 17
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
Do you know what someone with no money has in common with someone with too much money? Living is no fun for them. If you have too much money, no matter what you buy, eat, or drink, everything gets boring in the end.
Oh Il-nam in Squid Game - Season 1 Episode 9
Just in case either of us can actually make it out of this hellhole somehow, we'll look after each other's loved ones, okay?
Kang Sae-byeok in Squid Game - Season 1 Episode 8
The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things.
The loneliness does not come from the war. The war did not make it. It was the loneliness that made the war.

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