Quotes and Sayings about Paris

Quotes and Sayings about Paris
So you're single? In Paris? Now I'm even more jealous. I mean, your life is croissants and sex.
Madeline Wheeler in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 3
I make the most money, I think, in Russia and Paris, for the people of those countries are so willing to be amused, so eager to see something new and out of the ordinary.
If Paris is a city of lights, Sydney is the city of fireworks.
An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris.
Quagmire: "You got to help me. I'm looking for a little boy with red overalls and a yellow shirt."
French Man: "You are looking to buy or to rent?"
Quagmire: "What? No! God! How is Paris considered a classy city?"
French Man: "The buildings are beautiful, the people are trash."
Do you realize this city is laid out in circles? Like they deliberately designed it to confuse us.
Emily Cooper in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 2
Paris seems like a big city, but it's really just a small town.
Camille in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 4
Of course, I love Paris. And the food is so delicious. The fashion, so chic. The lights, so magical. But the people, so mean.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 1
It's Paris. Everyone's serious about dinner.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 2
You haven't done Paris right until you've had at least one wildly inappropriate affair.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 4
What's the name of that famous museum in Paris? The Louvre? I went through that place in 20 minutes.
The Parisian has his amus*ments as regularly as his meals, the theatre, music, the dance, a walk in the Tuilleries, a refection in the cafe, to which ladies resort as commonly as the other sex. Perpetual business, perpetual labor, is a thing of which he seems to have no idea.
I think Paris smells not just sweet but melancholy and curious, sometimes sad but always enticing and seductive. She's a city for the all senses, for artists and writers and musicians and dreamers, for fantasies, for long walks and wine and lovers and, yes, for mysteries.
Look at London or Paris: they're both filthy. You don't get that in Tokyo. The proud residents look after their city.
When God feels bored, he opens a window and observes the boulevards of Paris.
One of Paris' amenities is that you can be born here, live here, die here without anyone even noticing.
Honoré de Balzac - Le Père Goriot, 1834-1835
Paris means walking.
Paris is the only city in the world where starving oneself is still considered art.

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You need to find yourself a nice French boyfriend. That's the best way to learn the language. In bed.
Antoine Lambert in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 2
It takes much more courage to be in love than it does for war.
Helsinki in Money Heist - Season 4 Episode 5
You go to Saint-Tropez to party, not to work. It's like going to Ibiza to do your taxes.
Luc in Emily in Paris - Season 2 Episode 2
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
Of all the worlds that man has created, the one in books is the most impressive.
Superstition is a sign of a weak mind.
Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind.
To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June.
To write a loveletter, you have to start without knowing what you're gonna write and end without knowing what you wrote.
The Sacrament:
What is mine will be his and what is his will be mine.
To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual.
True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.
It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.
I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.
Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less.
In all tears, there's a spark of hope.
We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire.
From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
Love is suffering. One side always loves more.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
We're on Earth to search for happiness, not to find it.
Oh, friend, I am leaving this world that makes hearts break or turn to stone.
Nicolas Chamfort - last words - April 13th 1794
They got money for the war, but can't feed the poor.
The true paradises are the paradises that we have lost.
The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves. But for those who haven't had the fortune of finding this happiness, I am there.
Truth has nothing to do with the number of people it convinces.
Some people are so wrong, they don't even believe the opposite of what they say.
The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
A room within a room
A door behind a door
Touch, where do you lead?
I need something more
Daft Punk - Touch, Album: Random Access Memories

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