You were a demon and a lawyer? Insert joke here.
Charmed - Season 4 Episode 8
She's like Piper light. All the personality without any of those messy emotions.
Charmed - Season 4 Episode 20
Could someone please tell me how I ended up in a coffin?
Charmed - Season 5 Episode 3
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We can't live together forever. What do we expect, to be sixty years old and still be sharing clothes and a cat?
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Piper: "Don't say that. In horror movies, the people that say that are always the next to die."
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I'm gonna win this fight and save your ass, that way I can kick it myself later!
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Piper: "Sometimes twice a day."
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Yeah, ok. You're a monkey. Ohh, you're an angry monkey. Oh, you're pissed. You're PMS monkey?
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When you lose everything, that's when you're finally free.
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