North Korea, voted Korea of the year by North Korea Magazine for the past three decades.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Juni 2022
North Korea has taught a great lesson to all the countries in the world, especially the rogue countries of dictatorships or whatever: if you don't want to be invaded by America, get some nuclear weapons.
Why should "family-owned enterprise" be a sign of quality? North Korea is family-owned aswell and doesn't convince me at all.
The days are gone forever when our enemies could blackmail us with nuclear bombs.
Trump: "North Korea, we're not in a war. We have a good relationship. People don't understand, having a good relationship with leaders of other countries is a good thing."
Biden: "We had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded Europe. Come on!"
Biden: "We had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded Europe. Come on!"
Joe Biden - October 2020, second United States presidential debate
1North Korea... named "Best Korea" for 70 years running by North Korea Magazine.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
It's not natural disasters that are to blame for the deprivation of the North Korean people, but the failed policies of Kim Jong Il.
North Korea is going to get away with keeping its nuclear weapons.
Kim Jong-un is very isolated in his own country. He's the only obese person in North Korea.
Olaf Schubert in heute-show - heute-show vom 08.09.2017
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There can be neither today without yesterday nor tomorrow without today.
Our republic is a responsible nuclear state that, as we made clear before, will not use nuclear weapons first unless aggressive hostile forces use nuclear weapons to invade on our sovereignty.
There is no winter without snow, no spring without sunshine, and no happiness without companions.
I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth - rocks!
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.
The US must stand with Hong Kong, and remain a determined force for its autonomy.
John Bolton - June 2020
1The only thing that will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons is regime change in Tehran.
John Bolton - November 2009
1I think the International Criminal Court could be a threat to American security interests, because the prosecutor of the court has enormous discretion in going after war crimes. And the way the Statute of Rome is written, responsibility for war crimes can be taken all the way up the chain of command.
Spotify, the app with the entire history of recorded music that you only use to listen to four songs that you liked in high school.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - The Truth Behind Music Streaming
You don't need to show up like a SWAT Team to rescue a Barbie from a little girl. If anything, you should be rescuing the little girl from the Barbie. Should be getting there like, "little girl, watch out! That Barbie can give you a warped sense of what a woman's body is supposed to be!"
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - June 2020
I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia.
It's been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your president. I love the job - but I love my country more.
Joe Biden - August 2024
Germany... a country whose idea of a bedtime story is two children being left to die in the forest, before nearly being cooked and eaten and then murdering an old woman.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
2The last person that was excited about a check with Donald Trump's name on it was Stormy Daniels.
Oliver Welke in heute-show - Sendung vom 24.04.2020
If you're a homeless, alcoholic Scott and you had tourettes... how would they ever know?
Canada also helped in two world wars and gave the world Neil Young, William Shatner, Leonard Cohen, Pamela Anderson, one quarter of Barney Stinson, instant mashed potatoes and best of all - you.
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 Episode 12
3If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.
The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and by Shakespeare. Neither knew chocolate. The Swiss are known for nonviolence. They are also known for superb chocolate.
Life is too short to learn German.
Richard Porson (britischer klassischer Philologe) - 25.12.1759 - 25.09.1808