Quotes and Sayings about Nike

Quotes and Sayings about Nike
They're tricking kids into building their own playground. And I gotta tell you, this exact same thing happened to me back home in Asia, and by the time we were done "playing", we had finished a whole new line of Nike's.
Buck: "Take a gander at them moccasins. What kind of skins is them?"
Stubble: "What's that writin' mean? 'Neekay'? What is that? Some sort of Injun talk or somethin'?"
I'm not a star, I don't wanna be a star. I don't have a great name, the media have never heard of me. No public, no cheerleaders. It's not about winning or losing, it's about reaching your limits. Going as far as you can go and then going farther. I don't collect titles, I collect hours, hours of hard work, hours of pain. That's just me, I'm playing for the ultimate victory, the victory over yourself. This is the way of life. There is no finish-line. Becoming the best that you can be, there's nothing else that matters. Beating the odds, fulfilling your destiny.
I don't wanna be a superstar, I want to be better than that. Just want to be me. Just wanna be me.
Nike Spot - Ordinary People
All dreams are crazy. Until they come true.
(Nike) - Dirk Nowitzki Spot
Heros come and go, but legends are forever.
(Nike) - The Black Mamba
Some dream... others rise.

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Dude, I don't want to talk about Lacey's prom shoes. And I'll tell you why: I have this thing that makes me really uninterested in prom shoes. It's called a penis.
Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shows can change your life.
I wear heartbreak like six-inch heels: Hurts like hell, but I'll make it look beautiful.
Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.
Sweetie, I just spent $395 on a pair of open-toed Gucci's last week. This is not the place to be frugal.
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Season 1 Episode 10
A woman with good shoes is never ugly.
It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.
When I'm wearing heels at events, my feet feel like they're sitting in pools of blood.
If the shoe fits, you must wear it.
I actually think I think better in high heels.
You really need to consider the message you're sending this boys by ending the lockout. It's the same message that we as a culture send to our professional athletes; and that is that they are above the law. If these boys cannot honor the simple rules of a basketball contract, how long do you think it will be before they're out there breaking the law? I played ball here at Richmond High 30 years ago. It was the same thing then; some of my teammates went to prison, some of them even ended up dead. If you vote to end the lockout, you won't have to terminate me; I'll quit.
Ken Carter in Coach Carter
Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.
That's one thing you learn in sports. You don't give up; you fight to the finish.
When you go running from 23:59 to 00:01, you worked out two days in a row. Doesn't sound bad, does it?
Sport is the best means of communication between people from different religions and countries.
What I really love about sports isn't winning, ya know? It's having to fight and struggle and give it all you got to reach the top.
Aoi Asahina in Danganronpa
When you're rowing a race and you get to the last 20 meters your entire body is telling you to stop. Your muscles are on fire. Your lungs are screaming at you. Everything inside you wants to quit, make the pain go away. But if you want to win, that's exactly when you dig deeper and you row harder.
Skylar in The In Between
People always ask me, "what is your secret?" I'll tell you what the secret is: Work your a-s off in the gym, 14 times a week.
You don't quit in sports. You retire. You don't get to quit. It's not an option.
If you say you plan to retire in two or three years, you've already retired.
Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
I'm like every other woman: a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear: So I wear jeans.
Supermodels... heh! Nothing super about them. Spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves.
Edna Mode in The Incredibles
Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.
Nobody can reinvent fashion. The only thing you can do is interpret the styles of the past in your own unique way.
Some victories are merely defeat wearing the wrong clothing.
Dress like you are going to meet your worst enemy today!
The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.
Good clothing is a passport for happiness.
Burn rubber not gasoline.
Kids and grown-ups love it so - the happy world of Haribo.
Joy was born for the left lane.
Live In Your World, Play In ours.
You're gonna move the ocean into the desert? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, unless they do it while Burning Man is happening. In which case, go for it. Please take a bath, you dirty hippies!
It's the 4th of July, that time of year when Americans who don't watch MSNBC, celebrate the nation's birthday.
Spotify, the app with the entire history of recorded music that you only use to listen to four songs that you liked in high school.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - The Truth Behind Music Streaming
Doc Brown: "Tell me, Future Boy, who's President of the United States in 1985?"
Marty: "Ronald Reagan."
Doc Brown: "Ronald Reagan? The actor? Ha! Then who's Vice President, Jerry Lewis?"
The king is a man, and a man can fail. But a myth is indestructible.
Rebel Moon - Part One - A Child of Fire
You don't need to show up like a SWAT Team to rescue a Barbie from a little girl. If anything, you should be rescuing the little girl from the Barbie. Should be getting there like, "little girl, watch out! That Barbie can give you a warped sense of what a woman's body is supposed to be!"
The government was beholden to the NRA, and the NRA's power stemmed from one oft-debated sentence written at a time when guns were muskets and lightning was witchcraft, the Second Amendment.
Jordan Klepper - June 2017
If you dare as an organization to certify the cancellation of the McRib, I will not accept those results. I'm gonna get a group of people together and we're going to travel and we're going to march down to McDonald's headquarters. We're going to McDonald's the first week of January to start the year off with a bang.
Marty, the future isn't written. It can be changed... you know that. Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be.

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