Kamala: "She thinks I'm some kind of weirdo."
Bruno: "You are a weirdo."
Bruno: "You are a weirdo."
Season 1
Kamala: "It's not really the brown girls from Jersey City who save the world."
"Maybe now they do."
"Maybe now they do."
Season 1
We need new heroes. Ones suited for the times we're in.
Season 1
You know those days you sometimes have? The days that seem totally ordinary when you wake up, but by the time you go to sleep that night, your whole life is divided into before that day and after that day? This is one of those days.
Marvel Comic Books - Ms. Marvel Vol 3
Who am I? It seems like an easy question. And then I realize... Maybe what I said to those cops wasn't a joke. Maybe the name belongs to whoever has the courage to fight.
Marvel Comic Books - Ms. Marvel Vol 1
My name is Kamala Khan. And I'm here to take out the trash.
Marvel Comic Books - Ms. Marvel Vol 1
We are faith. We speak all languages of beauty and hardship.
Marvel Comic Books - Ms. Marvel Vol 1
I didn't want this... but I have to protect the people of my city. Even... even if it means protecting them from you.
Marvel Comic Books - Ms. Marvel Vol 4
"Whoever kills one person, it is as if he has killed all of mankind... And whoever saves one person, it is as if he has saved all of mankind." When I was a little kid, that always made me feel better. Because no matter how bad things get there are always people who rush in to help. And according to my dad they are blessed.
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Carol Danvers: "Nick Fury. My favorite one-eyed man of intrigue."
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Captain America: "That's a tough way to live."
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The Ancient One: "Not everything does. Not everything has to. "
Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual.
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