The best Movie Quotes (Page 17)

The best Movie Quotes (Page 17)

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In Italy, we have a saying. In dreams, as in love, all is possible.
Amy Wheeler in From Scratch - Season 1
Italians love a good love story. And ours is for the ages.
Amy Wheeler in From Scratch - Season 1
Amy: "Lino's reinventing Thanksgiving."
Zora: "Oh, good. 'Cause if there's anything Texans love, it's different sh-t."
From Scratch - Season 1
Today we start our new lives together. Nothing is holding us back. Only dreams ahead.
Lino in From Scratch - Season 1
In a city where there is no center, I'm your center.
Amy in From Scratch - Season 1
I came here to experience art, to try things I may never get to again in my life.
Amy in From Scratch - Season 1
I came here to have my own Renaissance.
Amy Wheeler in From Scratch - Season 1 Episode 1
Hey, Syd. You know what the chainsaw was originally called? A bone cutter.
Know what you could do to something that's real? You can kick its ass!
"I think it's kind of silly. I mean, do you still believe in Santa Claus?"
"Why, what have you heard? Is he okay?"
Do you want me to teach you something that I learned at work? Close your eyes, and you're gonna breathe in. And when you breathe in, you're gonna imagine that you're breathing in really clear air. Then when you breathe out, you breathe out black, dark, bad air.
Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed. If you think you might be one of us, my advice is turn away while you still can. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth. Try to live a normal life. Because once you know what you are, they'll sense it too. And they'll come for you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Percy Jackson - and the Olympians
Tonight, it is every hunter for themselves. But, one of you is a monster. Masquerading as one of our own. I can't wait to find out what breed of evil you are.
Good luck, I'll be rotting for you.
Legend has it, it's on the 16th birthday that a witch gets her powers.
Gilbert in Hocus Pocus
"I wished for a fairytale life and it's all gone terribly wrong."
"Or terribly right!"
If this world is not to your liking then you must change it!
"Pretty soon this whole place will feel like home, you'll see, it's all part of the adventure."
"That's not an adventure that's a landfill."
"A land filled with adventure!"
If i learned anything from meeting princess on a billboard is that sometimes, you just have to take a leap.
I know that change can be scary but it can also be exciting.
This is the world of dreams. Slumberland. You can wish for whatever you want here. Jump from dream to dream to wherever we want to go.
Flip in Slumberland
Nemo: "Dad, one story?"
Dad: "All right. I got one you never heard before. It's a place you can only dream of. Where the whole world has turned upside down. And you've never seen anything like it."
Eleanor: "Is 'do revenge' even, like, correct grammar?"
Drea: "Oh, I'm sorry, Schoolhouse Rock, are you dragging my sentence structure right now?"
Drea Torres in Do Revenge
Drea: "Don't you want to make her pay?"
Eleanor: "I don't want to make her pay. I want to burn her to the ground!"
Eleanor in Do Revenge
Drea: "You're giving off some serious Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction energy."
Eleanor: "Glennergy."
Eleanor in Do Revenge
Drea: "You're going to expose that he's a fake woke misogynist hypocrite. And then we're gonna kill him."
Eleanor: "You're not serious!"
Drea: "No, I'm not f*cking serious!"
Drea Torres in Do Revenge
We should team up and do each other's revenge!
Drea Torres in Do Revenge
Drea: "Carissa, right?"
Carissa: "We've met before. You called me a human Birkenstock."
I know what it's like to get f*cked over by someone you thought you could trust.
Eleanor in Do Revenge
I spent 17 years meticulously curating the perfect life. I had the perfect friends, the perfect boyfriend. But do you know where all of that got me? Absolutely destroyed.
Drea Torres in Do Revenge
It's in your honor that I'm founding a new club. The Cis Hetero Men Championing Female Identifying Students League.
Max in Do Revenge
Ready to be my woman on the inside? Your new vibe is high-status c*nt.
Drea Torres in Do Revenge
We humans love to play. Over the last 300,000 years, we have come up with thousands, maybe millions of games. We play to appease the gods. We play to push our boundaries and hone ourselves to perfection. We play anywhere. On sand. On snow. Soil. Water. Tarmac. In these playgrounds, we reveal our inner selves. Our joy. Our shame. Our glory. And our pain. But the origin of play is anything but fun. Play has evolved from our fight to survive. If we didn't play, we would not be who we are today.
It's normal to be afraid. Showing fear makes you stronger.
These girls are my best friends. One of us has cancer. We're going on a trip right before the first chemo session.
"We carry the letter 'C' tattooed on our forehead."
"We agreed not to talk about it. Golden rule of the trip."
Sometimes I feel like a wind-up doll. Turn my key, and I will tell you exactly what you want to hear.
My name is Ani FaNelli. Soon, I'll be an editor at the New York Times magazine. And in six weeks, I'm getting married in a lavish but tasteful ceremony. Luke comes from money. But I have something no trust fund can buy. The edge. Love my work. Hate babies. I am this close to the life no one thought I deserved.
Ani FaNelli in Luckiest Girl Alive
I don't know what's me and what part I invented.
I carried this horrible thing with me alone for years, and it has built up this rage inside of me.
People wanna know. Were you a hero or an accomplice?
Everyone's got demons. My demons have names.
Kat Elliot in Wendell & Wild
Kat Elliot: "Who are you? What are you doing in my dream?"
Wild: "We are Wendell and Wild."
"It took a flood for you to show up."
"It took a flood for you to get in touch."
High Water - Season 1
"Enough of this nonsense."
"Why did you bring me here if you know better anyway?"
High Water - Season 1
We're dealing with a force of nature here. The bridges will hold up, but the levees with trees won't.
High Water - Season 1
Your fax almost gave me a heart attack.
High Water - Season 1
"I cannot get over how cute your little Vanessa is."
"Who's Vanessa?"
Ladies and gentlemen, you expected a mystery. You expected a puzzle. But for one person on this island, this is not a game.
"Do you remember working with someone named Charlie Cullen?"
"Yeah. there was a rumor about him. They found insulin in a dead guy's saline bag."
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