In matters of the heart there is the lover and the beloved. The lover lives with passion, full commitment and romanticism. The beloved is limited to being idolized.
Palermo - Season 3 Episode 5
6The most important moments are the ones that make you realize there's no turning back. You've crossed a line, and you're stuck on the other side now.
Tokyo - Season 4 Episode 4
5Happiness is like lightning, blink and you miss it. After that came the fall. When you reach heaven the fall is devastating.
Tokyo - Season 3 Episode 7
4Oh, really, you love no one? Of course not, honey. You don't have the balls. You need courage to love!
Nairobi - Season 3 Episode 5
4When someone is in love, they looks through rose-tinted glasses. Everything's wonderful. They transform into a soft teddy bear that's smiling all the time.
The Professor - Season 3 Episode 4
4In this world everything is governed by balance. There's what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose. And in this moment they think they have nothing to lose. And when you believe you've got nothing to lose, you're overconfident. We will be the ones that are going to show them just how much they have to lose.
The Professor - Season 3 Episode 3
4There's always happier days to remember. And the more f*cked up things are, the happier those days seem to be.
Tokyo - Season 4 Episode 2
3I can behave like a proper girl for a long time, but little by little, the naughty girl inside of me starts to take over.
Tokyo - Season 3 Episode 1
3When I see you walking around here, my heart pounds, just knowing you're near me. Our sex makes me float around the room.
Rio - Season 1 Episode 9
3Have you ever thought that if you can go back in time, you might still make the same decisions? We all make our own snowballs out of our bad decisions. Balls that become massive, like the Indiana Jones boulder, chasing you down-hill only to crush you in the end.
Tokyo - Season 1 Episode 6
3Back when I was convinced I could outrun the pain, and the police. Run, close your eyes, and endure. But eventually, there comes a moment when you stop. And all that pain washes over you. And you feel like there's nothing you can do to make it disappear.
Tokyo - Season 5 Episode 5
2Tokyo is a f*cking Maserati, and everyone wants a Maserati. And if you take a Maserati, leave it on the street doors open and keys in the ignition, you've gotta be really f*cked up.
Denver - Season 4 Episode 2
2Everything can go to hell in less than a second. In moments like this, you feel death creeping in, and you know nothing will ever be the same. But you need to do whatever it takes to survive.
Tokyo - Season 4 Episode 1
2The best sex in the world is gay. You know why? It's obvious: There are no women.
Palermo - Season 3 Episode 5
2Paradise is wonderful when your life is dull and full of traffic. As an escape every now and then.
Tokyo - Season 3 Episode 1
2There are moments in life we should just be able to have a damn remote control, so you could pause it. Even if just for five minutes. But sometimes things happen with irreverent obscenity and there's nothing you can do to to help it.
Tokyo - Season 2 Episode 8
2Thieves are caught on the run, we need to rile 'em up a bit.
Raquel Murillo / Lisboa - Season 1 Episode 7
2Don't worry, it takes more than an infection to prevent a baby from being born healthy.
Moskow - Season 1 Episode 6
2The bullet of an M16 shoots out at 2100 miles per hour. Faster than the speed of sound. So if they shot you in the heart, you won't even hear the bullet that killed you.
Tokyo - Season 1 Episode 1
2A woman can spend two days choosing shoes for a wedding. But wouldn't spend a minute arguing over masks for a robbery.
Tokyo - Season 1 Episode 1
2Tokyo: "Where are you going?"
Professor: "I hope the day never comes when you need to find out."
Professor: "I hope the day never comes when you need to find out."
Tokyo - Season 3 Episode 1
1Tokio: "You wave a white flag and turn yourself in! I know they'll be easy on you when things get complicated."
Rio: "I only wave the white flag for Real Madrid."
Rio: "I only wave the white flag for Real Madrid."
Rio - Season 2 Episode 1
1"If you shoot the girl, you will die. If you shoot me, you will die. If you let go of the girl, you live."
Tokio: "If only every decision in the world was that easy..."
Tokio: "If only every decision in the world was that easy..."
Tokyo - Season 2 Episode 6
1Are you a complete idiot or what? You've heard of Stockholm-Syndrom, right?
Nairobi - Season 2 Episode 1
1Raquel Murillo: "How long did it take to study every move we make, each time?"
The Professor: "To be honest - half my life."
The Professor: "To be honest - half my life."
The Professor - Season 1 Episode 6
1The second any blood is shed, we'll no longer be Robin Hood, but just a bunch of plain motherf*cking punks.
The Professor - Season 1 Episode 1
1And that's how I met The Professor, by pointing a gun at his balls. The good thing about relationships is that we end up forgetting how they started.
Tokyo - Season 1 Episode 1
1I'd get 30 years. And to be honest, growing old in a prison cell ist not my thing. I rather ran, in body and soul. And if I can't take my body with me, at least my soul should run.
Tokyo - Season 1 Episode 1
1If you had to pick between your integrity and oxygen, what would you choose?
Palermo - Season 3 Episode 4
1The silver lining in really f'ed-up situations is that they can only happen once. You only get killed once. You only lose the love of your life once. You're only robbed of the greatest treasure anyone has ever stolen once. But the fact that all these things only happen once doesn't make them less painful.
Tokyo - Season 5 Episode 9
I swear to you, I don't have much time but I'll squeeze every second 'til its last drop.
Berlin - Season 5 Episode 8
Imagine if things go south here, and they arrest us. What will they say on TV? "They've arrested Palermo, Rio, Manila, Bogotá and Matías Caño." Like I'm a f*cking intern?
Season 5 Episode 8
Science shall not live on numbers and calculations alone, Benjamin. Have a little faith, no? And a little love too.
Palermo - Season 5 Episode 7
At the end of the day, maturing, as well as growing old, consists of gradually throwing away dreams.
Tokyo - Season 5 Episode 7
I'm just like Peter Pan. No one can take away my enthusiasm, not you, nobody. Because only then only when you're willfully immature, can you achieve great things.
Berlin - Season 5 Episode 7
They say that when someone dies tragically, their spirit lingers for a while in the place where they lost their life. And that sometimes, for a few seconds, the living can feel the dead they once loved.
Tokyo - Season 5 Episode 6
If it was up to me, you'd be rotting away in the desert in Algeria. And Nairobi and Tokyo would still be alive. As well as the six soldiers that just died. But here we are. And you... you're still alive. So don't f with me and try not to get anyone else killed!
Raquel Murillo / Lisboa - Season 5 Episode 6
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According to astrophysicists, nearly all gold on Earth came from a meteor shower four billion years ago. Maybe this violent arrival is the reason it's always been cursed. Because no other metal's gotten so many people killed as the one that we use when we propose to someone.
Tokyo - Season 5 Episode 6
I'm not the type to rot in prison. I'm more of the runaway type. And if my body can't run away, at least my soul can.
Tokyo - Season 5 Episode 5
I need you every day and every night
Something's triggered when I look at you
I'm in peace when I'm in your arms
And I'm happy because I feel free
Something's triggered when I look at you
I'm in peace when I'm in your arms
And I'm happy because I feel free
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