The best Quotes by Mika Häkkinen

The best Quotes by Mika Häkkinen

Mika Pauli Häkkinen (born 28 September 1968), nicknamed "The Flying Finn", is a Finnish former racing driver. He won the Formula One World Drivers' Championship in 1998 and 1999, both times driving for McLaren. Häkkinen is one of three Formula One drivers from Finland that have won the World Drivers' Championship, and the only one to have done so more than once. He currently works in driver management and is a brand ambassador for various companies.

Image: André Zehetbauer, Creative Commons
You never win by yourself alone. The day you think otherwise is the day you'll start to lose.

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We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
You said we're a team.
One person struggles, we all struggle.
One person triumphs, we all triumph.
Jason Lyle in Coach Carter
We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not yet learned the simple art of living together as brothers.
Winning isn't getting ahead of others, it is getting ahead of yourself.
Everything's a game, Avery Grambs. The only thing we get to decide in this life is if we play to win.
The jaws of victory have many teeth!
I'm 74 and I don't have enough time left to waste it, waiting in waiting in front of a charging station.
While accelerating, the tears of joy have to horizontally run towards your ears.
You can't treat a car the same way you would treat a human - cars need love.
I've got my best race still ahead of me.
Sebastian Vettel - July 2022, about retiring from Formula 1
I will retire from competing in Formula 1 by the end of this year.
Sebastian Vettel - July 2022, about retiring from Formula 1
We all have the same right to live, no matter where we come from, what we look like or who we love.
Sebastian Vettel - July 2022, about retiring from Formula 1
In the end, racing is about leaving work first.
If you're involved in motor racing, I think everyone dreams of competing in Formula One events one day. And that's my dream too.
I always thought records were there to be broken.
Every morning I wake up with new ideas.
I never made a damn dime until I started doing what I wanted.
I don't think I'm a celebrity. I'm just a guy from east Texas who loves cars and airplanes.
Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.
I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.
Because in a split second, it's gone.
Riding a race bike is an art - a thing that you do because you feel something inside.
I don't like being famous - it is like a prison. And driving for Ferrari would make it far worse.
I'm lucky because I don't feel too much pressure - it's only in the last hour before the race, and even then it's good, positive pressure.
Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers.
At the end of the day, I got involved in all this because I enjoy driving cars and driving them as fast as possible. If I was going to be remembered for anything, I would like it to be for that.
Rallying is a sport in which accidents do happen. You have to respect the conditions you face.
World Champion! This is just unbelievable. I started racing with my dad many years ago. We dreamed of becoming a World Champion - and now we are.
Max Verstappen - December 2021
If you start doubting yourself like that, thinking, 'Am I good enough?' - maybe there is a reason you're thinking that.
The only place that matters is first.
Drinking is much safer than sports. You can't get hurt, only hungover.
Formula 1 would be a paradise without the media.
Winning feels good, but I'm not the type to brag about it.
Formula 1 is the second best thing in the world.
It's not easy to be perfect, but someone has to be.
Racing drivers are all egocentric douches, who only want to win.
The way I drive, the way I handle a car, is an expression of my inner feelings.
You can knock me down, but I get up twice as strong.
I am a motorbike fanatic - always have been. It's actually what I wanted to do before I got into motor racing.
Second is the first of the losers.
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
The Ferrari is a dream - people dream of owning this special vehicle and for most people it will remain a dream apart from those lucky few.
Everything comes to those who wait... except a cat.
If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
You can't let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones.
You win some, lose some, and wreck some.
Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.
There are two things no man will admit he cannot do well: drive and make love.

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