The best Quotes about the Miami Heat

The best Quotes about the Miami Heat
So congratulations, again, to the Miami Heat. And now we are going to take a picture that makes me look very short.
Barack Obama - January 28, 2013 - Miami Heat visit the White House
I don't rate Heat fans like I rate Knicks fans. We are true basketball fans. No matter what - rain, sleet or snow, or even if we don't make it to the playoffs for 10 years - the Garden stands are still full.
We're in the White House right now. This is like: "Hey, mama, I made it!"
LeBron James - January 28, 2013 - Miami Heat visit the White House
In this fall I'm gonna take my talents to south-beach and join the Miami Heat.
LeBron James - July 2010

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Tel Aviv is new, built on the sand dunes north of Jaffa in the 1890s, about the same time Miami was founded. The cities bear a resemblance in size, site, climate, and architecture.
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Miami - which is kinda the same.
You can leave Miami, but it will never leave you.
Miami is bringing in more guns, drugs and hot cars than any other city on the East Coast.
Phil Rask in StartUp - Season 1 Episode 3
I put a lot into it, and when I am done playing, I plan on going undercover and then being the sheriff or chief of police somewhere, either Miami or Orlando, I don't know yet.
Miami is a melting pot in which none of the stones melt. They rattle around.
What's so beautiful about Miami is that we support each other. We're just one big family, not just the entertainers, just everyone in general.
But this is Miami, you can't come to Miami and not show any skin. You gotta show something. If you're all covered up in this heat, you're gonna make me pass out out just to look at you. It's sweaty in Miami-but the diamonds will keep me cool.
Sometimes, you might meet somebody that you love that's turning into a 'they.' My key is invite them to Miami and take them to the ocean and let them jump off the boat in the ocean, on the sand bar, and cleanse off and pray and then go take a shower, and hopefully the 'they' is out of you.
My favourite city is Miami. It's very fresh and the beach is sunny.
Miami is nothing like me, and that's why I need to be here.
Miami has embraced me and I love them for that.
Miami is always super, duper lit.
My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that's the law.
I grew up in Florida, where if you weren't comfortable dancing, you weren't going to get any girls.
Why can't you compare Washington State and Florida?
Because it'd be like comparing apples and oranges.
I'm honored that so many Floridians are supporting my efforts to rekindle the American Dream.
Ron DeSantis - November 2018
"How you gonna get a gun?"
"This is Florida. The God damn state is shaped like a gun!"
Florida is America's bas*ment: it's wet, it's filled with mold, strange insects, alligators.
Robert California in The Office - Season 8 Episode 11
Wrong? We're in Florida. The state bird is a chicken finger.
Maury the Hormone Monster in Big Mouth - Season 3 Episode 5
Saudi Arabia... the country with bans on pork, alcohol and p*rn - or, as it's known in America: a Florida Breakfast.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
Jerry: "Why Florida?"
Cat: "Because they don't ask questions. They play Volleyball, they party and they have fun."
Rick and Morty - Season 4 Episode 4
Saul Goodman: "How about Florida? You get a tan, meet the Swedish bikini team, you know, swim with the dolphins."
Jesse Pinkman: "What about... Alaska?"
Saul Goodman: "Alaska, okay. Well, that's a different vibe. I never figured you for a big moose lover, but whatever floats your boat."
Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad - Season 5 Episode 11
Alluding to the extent of Florida, a mere peninsula confined between two seas, they pretended that it could never sustain the shock of the discharge, and that it would "bust up" at the very first shot.
Home is where the heart is and the heart is in Florida.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Florida - and that's pretty much the same thing.
You're only concerned if you know you don't have it. We have it.
LeBron James - Olympia 2012 - nach Vorrundenspiel gegen Argentinien
We cancelling sporting events, school, office work, etc etc. What we really need to cancel is 2020! Damn it's been a rough 3 months. God bless and stay safe.
LeBron James - March 2020
Going to White House was a great honor until you [Donald Trump] showed up!
LeBron James - am 23.09.2017 via Twitter
For the world has changed, and we must change with it.
These days, I look in the mirror and I have to admit, I'm not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be.
Barack Obama - White House Correspondents' Dinner 2013
All the teams in the NBA will not be playing basketball on Election Day. And the Knicks were like, "Oh, no problem we don't play basketball every day, that's just what we do."
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - August 2022
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
Kobe Bryant in Training Camp
I stand with those who are calling out the ingrained racism and violence toward people of color in our country. We have had enough.
Michael Jordan - June 2020
You guys are better people than players - that means a lot!
Gordon Herbert - September 2023, about Germany winning the World Cup
Walked into a restaurant yesterday and guy comes up and says: "Aren't you Rik Smits?"
Not quite but I appreciated his hoops knowledge…
Dirk Nowitzki - December 2023
I love the Philippines. But they need better beer!
Gordon Herbert - September 2023, about Germany winning the World Cup
We went from a shitty team to one of the all-time best dynasties. All you needed was one little match to start that whole fire.
There are certain sports figures who become a larger cultural force. Michael Jordan and the Bulls changed the culture.
I learned a lot I wouldn't have learned roaming the streets of Dallas.

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