Quotes and Sayings about Memories

Quotes and Sayings about Memories
You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself plainly when you have need of him.
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.
The best moments in life are the ones that make us smile when we think about them.
Its so hard to forget someone, who gave you so much to remember.
The truth is, it's all of your memories, the joyful ones and the heartbreaking ones, that make up who you are as a person.
J.D. in Scrubs - Season 6 Episode 11
We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.
If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.
Music is a total constant. That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know? Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in your or the world, that one song says the same, just like that moment.
Kids, you can't cling to the past. Because no matter how tight you hold on... it's already gone.
Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother - Season 8 Episode 23
The only reason we hold on memories so tight, is because memories won't change, when everything else does.
Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.
I mean, they say dou die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
I wondered if a memory is something you have or something you've lost.
Today's special moments are tomorrow's memories.
Genie in Aladdin
The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
[Minuet of Forest]
The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
Brom: "The sands of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we want them or not... but we can remember. What has been lost may yet live on in memories. That which you will hear is imperfect and fragmented, yet treasure it, for without you it does not exist. I give you now a memory that has been forgotten, hidden in the dreamy haze that lies behind us."
We learn more by remembering than forgetting.
You only get healing by remembering.
Forgetting is just suppression.
Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin.
Some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there.
Time moves in one direction, memory in another.
William Gibson - Distrust That Particular Flavor
Memories are worse than bullets.
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.
Sometimes, bitter memories become very sweet when you share them with a friend.
Donna Paulsen in Suits - Season 4 Episode 2
The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by.
'It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,' says the White Queen to Alice.
Goodbye is the birth of memories.
There's always happier days to remember. And the more f*cked up things are, the happier those days seem to be.
Tokyo in Money Heist - Season 4 Episode 2
Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.
So many versions of just one memory, and yet none of them were right or wrong. Instead, they were all pieces. Only when fitted together, edge to edge, could they even begin to tell the whole story.
The heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good. And thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past.
Memory is everything. Without it we are blind. Without it we leave the fate of our world to chance.
Albus Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts - 3: The Secrets of Dumbledore
I like books that aren't just lovely but that have memories in themselves. Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.
A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen.
I wake up thinking of yesterday. The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday.
Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember.
The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.
There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.
To be human is to have a collection of memories that tells you who you are and how you got there.
The heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good.
But feelings are just having a picture on the screen in your head
of what is going to happen tomorrow or next year
or what might have happend instead of what did happen
and if it is a happy picture they smile,
and if it is a sad picture they cry.
Could our past be stored somewhere even if we don't remember it? A black box never loses its data no matter how many hits it takes. Our past is just like that. The flavors, the scents, the moments, they all wait for just the right time to be remembered. Can the past still affect us even if we forget all about it?
Ada Korkmaz in Another Self - Season 1 Episode 1
Memories. They remain raw... even longer than wounds.
Colum MacKenzie in Outlander - Season 2 Episode 12
When we think of the past it's the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that.
My memories are inside me - they're not things or a place - I can take them anywhere.
Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.
It's true, Christmas can feel like a lot of work, particularly for mothers. But when you look back on all the Christmases in your life, you'll find you've created family traditions and lasting memories. Those memories, good and bad, are really what helps to keep a family together over the long haul.
Because no matter how my life has changed
I keep on looking back on better days
Post Malone - Better Now, Album: beerbongs & bentleys
Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.

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The future is easy because it doesn't exist; but the past is painful because it lives forever.
Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away - and going away means forgetting.
Simba: "Ouh. Jeez, what was that for?"
Rafiki: "It doesn't matter, it's in the past."
Simba: "Yeah, but it still hurts."
Rafiki: "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it."
You never realize what a good memory you have until you try to forget something.
For a while, for as long as you're looking at it, that painting is the world and you get to be in it.

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