Quotes and Sayings about Marrakesh

Quotes and Sayings about Marrakesh
A visit to Marrakesh was a great shock to me. This city taught me color.

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The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves. But for those who haven't had the fortune of finding this happiness, I am there.
Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.
The most beautiful makeup is passion, but cosmetics are easier to buy.
Good clothing is a passport for happiness.
I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity: all I hope for in my clothes.
Harvey Dent: "When their enemies were at the gates, the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. It wasn't considered an honor, it was considered a public service."
Rachel Dawes: "Harvey, the last man who they appointed the Republic was named Caesar and he never gave up his power."
Harvey Dent: "Okay, fine. you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain..."
Harvey Dent in Batman - The Dark Knight
All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health. What have the Romans ever done for us?
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Vienna - which is kinda the same.
Every time I describe a city, I'm saying something about Venice. The images from memory, once fixed in words, are erased. Maybe I'm afraid of losing Venice at once, if I'm talking about it. speaking in other cities, I have already lost it, little by little.
Venice is eternity itself.
So you're single? In Paris? Now I'm even more jealous. I mean, your life is croissants and sex.
Madeline Wheeler in Emily in Paris - Season 1 Episode 3
I make the most money, I think, in Russia and Paris, for the people of those countries are so willing to be amused, so eager to see something new and out of the ordinary.
No wonder the city never sleeps, it's too busy trying to get laid.
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Season 1 Episode 11
There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders.
Grüner Kobold in Spider-Man
We stole the Statue of Liberty! The small one, from Las Vegas. I won't even mention the Eiffel Tower - also Vegas.
Phil, you let this dude [Dennis Rodman] go to vacation, we not gonna see him. You let him go to Vegas, we definitely not gonna see him.
My experience in Amsterdam is that cyclists ride where the hell they like and aim in a state of rage at all pedestrians while ringing their bell loudly, the concept of avoiding people being foreign to them.
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Amsterdam - which is kinda the same.
One of the main differences between Munich and Berlin is that when thousands of people get drunk in silly clothes and start vomitting, we don't call it "Oktoberfest", we call it "Tuesday".
Berlin will live and the Wall will fall!
Willy Brandt - 10. November 1989
It is strange with how little notice, good, bad, or indifferent, a man may live and die in London.
If you're curious, London's an amazing place.
I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German. I spoke entirely in that language. He was greatly interested; and after I had talked a while he said my German was very rare, possibly a 'unique'; and wanted to add it to his museum.
I might have been born in Liverpool - but I grew up in Hamburg.
If Italy were Mona Lisa then Florence would be her smile.
You will begin to wonder that human daring ever achieved anything so magnificent.
John Ruskin (Mornings in Florence)
I want to finish with dignity so in a good club. It doesn't mean that to go USA or Qatar or Dubai is not good but I don't see myself there.
Cristiano Ronaldo - November 2015
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Dubai - which is kinda the same.
Stockholm's a wonderful city if you love food - it's spectacular!
The most beautiful thing in Tokyo is McDonald's. The most beautiful thing in Stockholm is McDonald's. The most beautiful thing in Florence is McDonald's. Peking and Moscow don't have anything beautiful yet.
If you don't like Munich, I don't know which part of Germany you could like.
Angela Merkel - July 16th 2009, to Dmitry Medvedev
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Munich - which is kinda the same.
San Francisco is a mad city - inhabited for the most part by perfectly insane people whose women are of a remarkable beauty.
Anyone who doesn't have a great time in San Francisco is pretty much dead to me.
That's L.A. They worship everything and they value nothing.
Sebastian Wilder in La La Land
Welcome to a city where people trying to disappear aren't actually trying.
Joe Goldberg in You - Season 2 Episode 2
Tokyo - The modern Babylon.
Araki Kae in Cyberpunk 2077
Tokyo would probably be the foreign city if I had to eat one city's food for the rest of my life, every day. It would have to be Tokyo, and I think the majority of chefs you ask that question would answer the same way.

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