The best Quotes by Lucifer Morningstar

The best Quotes by Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe: "He had a drug problem, right?"
Lucifer: "Only if you consider ingesting millions of dollars worth of cocaine a problem. I call it a Tuesday."
Lucifer - Season 2 Episode 5
Want an animal to stare at you with contempt? Get a cat! Open box of excrement in your house? Cat!
Lucifer - Season 2 Episode 4
Only two reasons to drink alone, brother. Either you're a chronic dullard, or you're trying to avoid your problems.
Lucifer - Season 2 Episode 4
You see … we were wrong about something else in the prophecy. My first love was never Eve. It was you, Chloe. It always has been.
Lucifer - Season 4 Episode 10
Linda: "You're doing it again."
Lucifer: "What?"
Linda: "Displacing."
Lucifer: "No, I'm not."
Linda: "And that's denial."
Lucifer: "That's a river in Africa."
Lucifer - Season 1 Episode 3
Linda: "Why did you decide to come to Los Angeles?"
Lucifer: "The same reason as everyone else: the weather, p*rnstars, Mexican food."
Lucifer - Season 1 Episode 3
You know, you're gonna have to get much better at lying if you want to be president.
Lucifer - Season 1 Episode 1
Delilah: "God, I'm a mess."
Lucifer: "God has nothing to do with your mess. You didn't sell your soul, Delilah, you do owe me a favor."
Lucifer - Season 1 Episode 1

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Being alone and being lonely are two entirely different things. You may be surrounded by others, but do you truly consider any of those people your friend?
Linda Martin in Lucifer - Season 1 Episode 9
I take quaaludes ten to fifteen times a day for my "back pain", adderall tostay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again and morphine well... 'cause its awesome.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
You can't snort a line of coke off a woman's ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams, it's not gentlemanly.
Hank Moody in Californication - Season 1 Episode 8
I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.
My cat is really annoyed by me, now that I hang around in her apartment all day.
That's L.A. They worship everything and they value nothing.
Sebastian Wilder in La La Land
Welcome to a city where people trying to disappear aren't actually trying.
Joe Goldberg in You - Season 2 Episode 2
Not all lies are bad, just as the truth is not always good.
New Moon Luna in Epic Seven
Lies are comforting. Truth is painful.
Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.
Evey Hammond in V for Vendetta
Don't forget, she's a politician, and they're not to be trusted.

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