The best Quotes from Lost Light

The best Quotes from Lost Light

Lost Light is the ninth novel in Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series. It is the first Bosch novel to be narrated in first person; all prior Bosch novels had utilized an omniscient third-person style.

There is no end of things in the heart. Somebody once told me that. She said it came from a poem she believed in. She understood it to mean that if you took something to heart, really brought it inside those red velvet folds, then it would always be there for you. No matter what happened, it would be there waiting. She said this could mean a person, a place, a dream. A mission. Anything sacred. She told me that it is all connected in those secret folds. Always. It is all part of the same and will always be there, carrying the same beat as your heart.

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You know what I did after I wrote my first novel? I shut up and wrote twenty-three more.
You can't patch a wounded soul with a Band-Aid.
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Los Angeles was the kind of place where everybody was from somewhere else and nobody really droppped anchor.
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There were a billion lights out there on the horizon and I knew that all of them put together weren't enough to light the darkness in the hearts of some men.
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What is jealousy but a reflection of your own failures?
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I view people two ways. They're either eye-for-an-eye people or they are turn-the-cheek people.
We're all seeking order. We're all seeking control.
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote that when you look into the darkness of the abyss the abyss looks into you. Probably no other line or thought more inspires or informs my work.
I've sold 11 of my books to Hollywood. There are all kinds of my books on shelves in Hollywood because the scripts didn't capture the characters.
The books I've written the fastest were the best reviewed and sold the best.
Write every day even if it is just a paragraph.
Maggie: "You've got Hayley tonight. Just calling to remind. Six o'clock, okay? Not 6:10. Not 6:05."
Mickey: "Who's the lucky guy? Do I know him?"
Mickey Haller in The Lincoln Lawyer - Season 1 Episode 1
Detective: "I need you to both leave. Now."
Lorna: "Dicky-do's, I'm telling you."
Detective: "What was that?"
Lorna: "That wasn't meant for you. But if you heard me, you heard me."
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The thing about this case, I need to win it in court and I need to win in the court of public opinion. The world is quick to cancel these days. Just take a look at my Twitter feed.
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Working with your ex-wife is one thing, hiring her boyfriend is pushing it, even for you.
Lorna Crane in The Lincoln Lawyer - Season 1 Episode 1
Sometimes I think they teach it in the academy, how to piss people off. When you think of all the bad blood between the people and police, you'd think "how not to piss people off" would be in the curriculum.
Lorna Crane in The Lincoln Lawyer - Season 1 Episode 1
Trevor: "In court, before you can win, you gotta believe you can win."
Izzy: "But what if you don't?"
Trevor: "Then you better fake it 'til you make it."
One thing I know... success is all about momentum.
Everybody lies. Even the best liars give themselves away.
Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
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Humans had always been better at killing than any other living thing.
"And what if there's nothing in there?"
"You die and there's nothing beyond that. Nothing. Nothing remains. Someone might remember you for a little while after but not for long."
There's only one thing that can save a man from madness and that's uncertainty.
The number of places in paradise is limited; only in hell is entry open to all.
Do you know the parable about the frog in the cream? Two frogs landed in a pail of cream. One, thinking rationally, understood straight away that there was no point in resistance and that you can't deceive destiny. But then what if there's an afterlife – why bother jumping around, entertaining false hopes in vain? He crossed his legs and sank to the bottom. The second, the fool, was probably an atheist. And she started to flop around. It would seem that she had no reason to flail about if everything was predestined. But she flopped around and flopped around anyway . . . Meanwhile, the cream turned to butter. And she crawled out. We honour the memory of this second frog's friend, eternally damned for the sake of progress and rational thought.
There are some things that you don't want to do and you pledge to yourself that you won't do, you forbid yourself, and then suddenly they happen all by themselves. You don't even have time to think about them, and they don't make it to the cognitive centres of the brain: they just happen and that's it, and you're left just watching yourself with surprise, and convincing yourself that it wasn't your fault, it just happened all by itself.

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