The best Quotes by Leonardo DiCaprio

The best Quotes by Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer. Among others, he appeared in Romeo + Juliet (1996), Titanic (1997), Catch Me If You Can (2002), Gangs of New York (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), Shutter Island (2010), Inception (2010), Django Unchained (2012), The Great Gatsby (2013), The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), The Revenant (2015) and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019).

Image: Thore Siebrands, Creative Commons
Don't think for a moment that I'm really like any of the characters I've played. I'm not. That's why it's called 'acting'.
I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual.
If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're further along in life than most people.
Drugs? Every one has a choice and I choose not to do drugs.
My mother is a walking miracle.

Quotes about Leonardo DiCaprio

Every time I go after a busty dullard who can't tell time or thinks I'm the ghost of Leonardo DiCaprio, I'm shallow. But somehow it's okay for Robin to date a guy who can't be trusted around outlets.
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 8 Episode 6

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I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you… to make each day count.
Jack Dawson in Titanic
I'm the king of the world!
Jack Dawson in Titanic
It was the ship of dreams to everyone else. To me, it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.
Rose DeWitt Bukater in Titanic
Jack: "I'm Jack Dawson."
Rose: "Rose DeWitt Bukater."
Jack: "I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down."
Jack Dawson in Titanic
They've got you trapped, Rose. And you're gonna die if you don't break free. Maybe not right away because you're strong, but sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose… that fire's gonna burn out.
Jack Dawson in Titanic
Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Rose DeWitt Bukater in Titanic
The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.
He looked at her the way all women wanted to be looked at by a man.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Then he kissed her. At his lips’ touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.
All right... I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool--that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.
Angry, and half in love with her, and tremendously sorry, I turned away.
I take quaaludes ten to fifteen times a day for my "back pain", adderall tostay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again and morphine well... 'cause its awesome.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
It’s business. Leave your emotions at the door.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
Money doesn't just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better p*ssy. It also makes you a better person.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
Okay, first rule of Wall Street: Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock's going up, down or f*cking sideways, least of all stockbrokers. But we have to pretend we know.
Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.
Cobb in Inception
Don't you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone!
Saito in Inception
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling!
Eames in Inception
What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea! Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate.
Cobb in Inception
Cobb: "I have it under control."
Arthur: "I'd hate to see it out of control."
Arthur in Inception
They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. Now that's when we're awake. When we're asleep, we can do almost anything.
Cobb in Inception
No... Revenge is in God's hands. Not mine.
Hugh Glass in The Revenant
As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe. Keep breathing. When there is a storm and you stand in front of a tree, if you look at its branches, you swear it will fall. But if you watch the trunk, you will see its stability.
Hugh Glass in The Revenant
Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 Episode 17
Barney: "Our wedding is gonna be legendary."
Robin: "No wait for it?"
Barney: "I've got you, I don't have to wait for it anymore."
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 Episode 1
It's only once you've stopped, that you realize how hard it is to start again. So you force yourself not to want it.
Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother - Season 6 Episode 3
If you're looking for the word that means caring for someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want, no matter how much it destroys you, it's love!
Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 Episode 17
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain. Because life's greatest lessons are learned through pain.
Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.
Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas
Sometimes in life when you get what you want, you end up missing what you left behind.
Don't do drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent... leave that to me.
For the soul, laughing is what oxygen is for the lungs.
It's not about the absence of fear. It's overcoming it.
If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends.
My philosophy is: It's none of my business what people say of me and think of me.
My father always said, "Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their book shelf" - so I make sure I read.

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