I don't ask for much. Just everything.
Irelia: "The only honest Noxian is a dead Noxian."
LeBlanc: "Now you're getting it."
LeBlanc: "Now you're getting it."
For a moment I thought I'd broken a sweat.
Sivir: "This better be worth my time, lady."
LeBlanc: "Just name your price."
LeBlanc: "Just name your price."
Crimson Curator: "I have the name. I need the reputation."
LeBlanc: "This apple has fallen very far from the tree."
LeBlanc: "This apple has fallen very far from the tree."
Lying is, like, ninety five percent of what I do.
Jarvan IV: "I've got my eye on you."
LeBlanc: "Just one? You Lightshields never learn."
LeBlanc: "Just one? You Lightshields never learn."
The best lies are beautiful.
Time to make an appearance.
Incisive Tactician: "The Rose sends its finest."
LeBlanc: "A petal for the thorn."
LeBlanc: "A petal for the thorn."
Atakhan: "I am returned to serve my killer!"
LeBlanc: "And serve, you will."
LeBlanc: "And serve, you will."
LeBlanc: "Who is this... imposter?"
LeBlanc: "I am LeBlanc. You are a cheap illusion."
LeBlanc: "I am LeBlanc. You are a cheap illusion."
Elise: "I pull the strings."
LeBlanc: "Of course you do, dear."
LeBlanc: "Of course you do, dear."
It's all smoke and mirrors.
Looks can be deceiving.
Jarvan IV: "How many innocent lives has Noxus claimed?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
Irelia: "Come face me, deceiver!"
LeBlanc: "Patience, dear. Only fools rush in."
LeBlanc: "Patience, dear. Only fools rush in."
Jarvan IV: "How many innocent lives has Noxus claimed?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
The Black Rose shall bloom once more.
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Lamb: "He will soon wish he had."
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Hecarim: "The living will fall."
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Lamb: "By arrow or by teeth."
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Lamb: "By arrow or by teeth."
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1Taric: "Your arrogance is impressive."
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Aurelion Sol: "It is the least impressive thing about me."
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Quinn: "Cute face. Talon-proof?"
Swain: "Demacia's walls will crumble."
Quinn: "Then I'll have a clean shot at your head."
Quinn: "Then I'll have a clean shot at your head."
Sejuani: "We will take Demacia!"
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Quinn: "Not the first time I've heard that."
My bird could beat up your boar.
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Quinn: "I don't suppose you've ever bathed, have ye?"
Demacia does not forget, and neither do I.
Sejuani: "Bow to no one."
Lissandra: "A shame you value pride over power."
Lissandra: "A shame you value pride over power."
Braum: "Is it the moustache? Who knows!"
Sejuani: "I'll rip that moustache off and wear it!"
Sejuani: "I'll rip that moustache off and wear it!"
Long before blades and sorcery are needed, words... can save a soul.
Rhaast: "A craftsman never blames his tools."
Kayn: "I will make an exception in this case."
Kayn: "I will make an exception in this case."
What's in my violin case? Violence.
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Knowledge is a paradox. The more one understands, the more one realizes the vastness of his ignorance.
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I like my weapons how I like my music, heavy and metal.
My profession? You know, now that I think of it... I always wanted to be a baker.
Victors are the sole authors of history. Time to write our chapter.