The best Quotes by Joko Winterscheidt

The best Quotes by Joko Winterscheidt

Joachim "Joko" Winterscheidt (born 13 January 1979) is a German television host, producer and actor. He became known as part of the duo Joko & Klaas alongside Klaas Heufer-Umlauf in TV programs like Circus HalliGalli.

Gay-marriage - great. I approve that, no problem. But you have to be gay for that!
Joko & Klaas - Duell um die Welt, 30. November 2013
Well, I'm a demanding director. Back then, George Lucas wasn't like, "guys, let's stop shooting, the Ewoks are getting wet", back then.
Joko & Klaas - Circus HalliGalli vom 14.10.2013
Avril Lavigne is going to marry Chad Kroeger. And as you are kind of compatriot... is that something that you could imagine too, marry somebody really ugly?

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Excuse me? Was there any reason to know Miley Cyrus before she was swinging naked on a wrecking ball?
Klaas Heufer-Umlauf in Joko & Klaas - Circus HalliGalli vom 11.11.2013
You guys, everyone of you, will be die sometime! Was that a bad start for a funny show?
You're like the iPhone 5 of German TV hosts. Thin, light and unnecessarily tall.
Klaas Heufer-Umlauf in Joko & Klaas - neoParadise vom 13.09.2012
The Jedi are trained to let go. They're trained from birth. They're not supposed to form attachments. They can love people – in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can't form attachments. So what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody.
The Star Wars films are my kids. I loved them, I created them, I'm very intimately involved in them and I sold them to the white slavers.
George Lucas - about selling the Star Wars franchise to Disney
You can't sell newspapers by saying nice things about something, you can only sell newspapers by creating controversies. Critics aren't creators, they're destroyers.
It's a damn cold night
Tryin' to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new?
I don't know who you are, but I
I'm with you
Avril Lavigne - I’m with You, Album: Let Go
You were everything, everything
That I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
And all of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time, you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending, Album: Under My Skin
Sorry girl but you missed out
Well tough luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi, Album: Let Go
I am not gay. Although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to watch The Clone Wars TV series, until I've seen The Clone Wars movie. I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.
Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory - Season 2 Episode 8
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1

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