For me, democracy must deliver a better life for the people.
I'm willing to work with all parties to reform Indonesia.
I don't mind being called a puppet. But I'm the puppet of the people.
Indonesia is the world's third-largest democracy. And we also have the world's largest Muslim population. This demonstrates that democracy and Islam are not incompatible. Terrorism is not associated with any religion.
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People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
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9The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.
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2Democracy isn't just there. We have to work for it together - every day.
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1It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not.
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1Democracy is too important to leave up to the votes of the people.
Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do.
Religion, to me, is a bureaucracy between man and God that I don't need.
Unlike religious people, I look at all religions equally.
Religion. It's given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.
Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake.
Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.
It seems to me that Islam and Christianity and Judaism all have the same god, and he's telling them all different things.
It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.
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Emily Rhodes: "No, sir. Extremists did. And persecuting innocent people won't make any of us safer."
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2A moderate Islam? That's an objection.
Geert Wilders - March 2008
Apparently, Islam can be a sensitive topic, and the producers say if I don't follow this script to the letter, there's a chance I'll cause a serious international incident.
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Azucena de Muñoz: "The rules state, no accessories of any kind are permitted."
Nadia: "My hijab isn't an accessory."
Nadia: "My hijab isn't an accessory."
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Verily, I constantly renew my Islam until this very day, as up to now, I do not consider myself to have ever been a good Muslim.
But foremost, I do not subscribe to the view that Islamic culture and democracy cannot be reconciled.
Islam is a way of living rather than a way of thinking.
I saw Islam as the correct way to live, and I chose to try to live that way.
Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to lose and my desire not to think.
L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.
Until you're the best at something, you've always got to work on everything.
I want to win every game I play because I hate losing.