The best Quotes by John Lewis

The best Quotes by John Lewis

John Robert Lewis (February 21, 1940 – July 17, 2020) was an American politician and civil rights activist who served in the United States House of Representatives for Georgia's 5th congressional district from 1987 until his death in 2020.

The scars and stains of racism are still deeply embedded in the American society.
I believe race is too heavy a burden to carry into the 21st century. It's time to lay it down. We all came here in different ships, but now we're all in the same boat.
You must be bold, brave, and courageous and find a way... to get in the way.
When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.
Sometimes I hear people saying, 'Nothing has changed.' Come and walk in my shoes.

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Coming from a small town it was tough to dream big. When I grew up in a small town in Georgia, my biggest dream was one day to be able to go to Atlanta.
You really cannot set a standard, because Georgia is my home state, my home team. No other team can match what Georgia can offer. Schools cannot really match that, so that is an edge for Georgia.
The ridiculousness of thinking that some sort of global Illuminati wrote down their plot for killing of 95 % of humanity on a giant granit post-it note and left their secret plan somewhere no conservative would ever find it: rural Georgia.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight) - Rocks
In Texas, it's football. In Georgia, football. There's an appreciation from the average person about football more than anywhere else. And we have that for basketball in New York. And we'll always have that in New York.
I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia.
Georgia girls - the kind of girl you can take home to meet your mom, but can outdrink your dad.
For one, the 'countryness' is pretty much in my blood. I'm from Georgia, down south. That voice just lives in me.
Home is where the heart is and the heart is in Georgia.
Poor tree. Even you're sad to be stuck in the boonies of Columbus, Georgia.
Jade McKellan in Family Reunion - Season 1 Episode 1
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Georgia - and that's pretty much the same thing.
It's our "white" responsibility to make sure people who speak out about racism are safe at all times. This means ending structural racism in our societies, authorities and media.
Nations were the most foolish of mortal inventions. No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.
Nationalists are saying, "you're disrespecting our flag." Well, you know what else is disrespectful to our flag? Racism.
Steve Kerr - September 2017
God judges men by their hearts, not by the color of their skins.
Harriet Ann Jacobs - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
America promises equal opportunity to everyone, no matter who you are. You can go to a good school, get a great job, live in a great house. But non of that is possible without that white man's stamp of approval.
I have never really understood why in this country so many people look down on black people.
The greatest danger for all of us begins with forgetting. With no longer remembering what we inflict upon one another when we tolerate antisemitism and racism in our midst.
Let's speak the truth: People are protesting because Black people have been treated as less than human in America. Because our country has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has plagued our country since its earliest days. It is the duty of every American to fix. In times like this, silence is complicity.
Kamala Harris - June 2020
Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to lose and my desire not to think.
L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.
Until you're the best at something, you've always got to work on everything.
I want to win every game I play because I hate losing.

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