The security of Israel is a moral imperative for all free peoples.
If the Jews are denied the right to live in freedom and peace, soon we will all be denied this right. If the light of Israel is extinguished, we will all face darkness. If Israel falls, the West falls.
Geert Wilders - December 2010
As a Jew I am aware of how important the existence of Israel is for the survival of us all. And because I am proud of being Jewish, I am worried by the growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in the world.
Israel was created exactly 70 years ago as a haven for refugees from the Holocaust. But the mistreatment of those suffering from today's atrocities is simply not in line with my Jewish values.
Natalie Portman - April 2018
Israel is a land of Bedouins, desert and camels.
Hit & Run - Season 1 Episode 1
I believe that Israel is rooted not just in history and tradition, but also in a simple and profound idea - the idea that people deserve to be free in a land of their own.
Barack Obama - March 2013
Israel... drama-wise the opposite of Canada.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
We have a special relationship with Israel. It's absolutely crucial that no one in our country or around the world ever doubt that our number one committment in the Middle East is to protect the right of Israel to exist, to exist permanently, and to exist in peace.
Jerusalem will never be divided, and will remain the capital of the State of Israel, the capital of the Jewish people, for ever and ever.
Benjamin Netanyahu - May 2015
The purpose of the Jewish state is to secure the Jewish future. That is why Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, against any threat.
I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.
Harry S. Truman - May 1948
This government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the provisional government thereof. The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel.
Harry S. Truman - May 1948
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Israel - and that's practically the same thing.
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We must, without equivocation, denounce antisemitism.
We must, without equivocation, denounce Islamophobia.
To all of you hurting: You belong.
You're all America.
We must, without equivocation, denounce Islamophobia.
To all of you hurting: You belong.
You're all America.
Joe Biden - Oktober 2023
The greatest danger for all of us begins with forgetting. With no longer remembering what we inflict upon one another when we tolerate antisemitism and racism in our midst.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier - January 2021
Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.
If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next.
My allies are the United States and Israel and, what's more, I'll move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
I like Tel Aviv; I live in Tel Aviv, but our right of return is Jerusalem. We did not return after 2,000 years for Tel Aviv but for Jerusalem.
I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem.
Psalms - 122, 1
You can't make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria.
A two-state solution is the only way to guarantee the long-term security of both the Israeli and the Palestinian people.
To make sure Israelis and Palestinians alike live in equal measure of freedom and dignity, we will not give up on working towards that goal.
To make sure Israelis and Palestinians alike live in equal measure of freedom and dignity, we will not give up on working towards that goal.
Joe Biden - November 2023
Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.
Greta Thunberg - Oktober 2023
The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.
Joe Biden - Oktober 2023
Tel Aviv is new, built on the sand dunes north of Jaffa in the 1890s, about the same time Miami was founded. The cities bear a resemblance in size, site, climate, and architecture.
I've heard it's a special place, that Tel Aviv is exciting and that the atmosphere is excellent.
Hamas thought they could destroy us. We're gonna destroy them.
Benjamin Netanyahu - Oktober 2023
Some will criticize me no matter what I do.
America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.
Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets.
I hate consensus. I like confrontation.
Without John Williams, bikes don't really fly, nor do brooms in Quidditch matches, nor do men in red capes. There is no Force, dinosaurs do not walk the Earth, we do not wonder, we do not weep, we do not believe.
Steven Spielberg - August 2016
Leonard: "You owe me another two dollars, the price of moo shu pork went up."
Howard: "It's getting tougher and tougher to be a bad Jew."
Howard: "It's getting tougher and tougher to be a bad Jew."
Howard Wolowitz in The Big Bang Theory - Season 2 Episode 14
6There can be no poetry after Auschwitz.
Germany... a country whose idea of a bedtime story is two children being left to die in the forest, before nearly being cooked and eaten and then murdering an old woman.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
2America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense… human rights invented America.
If you're a homeless, alcoholic Scott and you had tourettes... how would they ever know?
Canada also helped in two world wars and gave the world Neil Young, William Shatner, Leonard Cohen, Pamela Anderson, one quarter of Barney Stinson, instant mashed potatoes and best of all - you.
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 Episode 12