The most beautiful Harry Potter Quotes

The most beautiful Harry Potter Quotes

Harry Potter is a book-series by the author Joanne K. Rowling. Here you can find the best and funniest Quotes from the books, movies and games of the Harry Potter Universe.

Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

Albus Dumbledore

Show 128 Quotes
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Severus Snape

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Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. "After all this time?"
"Always", said Snape.

Hermione Granger

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Ron: "One person couldn't feel all that. They'd explode."
Hermione: "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have!"

Harry James Potter

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You're the weak one. And you'll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.

Ron Weasley

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"Follow the spiders"... Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?

Fred and George Weasley

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"E" for "Exceeds Expectations". And I've always thought Fred and I should've got "E" in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams.

Sirius Black

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If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

Remus Lupin

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It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.

Draco Malfoy

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Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something.

Luna Lovegood

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Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Show 95 Quotes
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Show 121 Quotes
If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Show 186 Quotes
You're the weak one. And you'll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Show 159 Quotes
...yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often. Best to say nothing at all, my dear man.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Show 193 Quotes
Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. "After all this time?"
"Always", said Snape.


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Bellatrix: "How dare you defy your masters?"
Dobby: "Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

Rubeus Hagrid

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Never be ashamed, there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with.

Minerva McGonagall

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"I frequently act as though I am not possessed of the Inner Eye, so as not to make others nervous."
"That explains a great deal," said Professor McGonagall tartly.

Voldemort / Tom Riddle

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There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.

Neville Longbottom

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"I'll join you when Hell freezes over," said Neville. "Dumbledore's Army!" he shouted, and there was an answering cheer from the crowd, whom Voldemort's Silencing Charms seemed unable to hold.

Dolores Umbridge

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Hagrid: "Bit o' fresh air, yeh know?"
Umbridge: "Yes, as gamekeeper fresh air must be so difficult to come by."

Fantastic Beasts

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My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.
Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts - and Where to Find Them

Molly Weasley

Show 9 Quotes
"You - will - never - touch - our - children - again!" screamed Mrs. Weasley. Bellatrix laughed, the same exhilarated laugh her cousin Sirius had given as he toppled backwards through the veil, and suddenly Harry knew what was going to happen before it did. Molly's curse soared beneath Bellatrix's outstretched arm and hit her squarely in the chest, directly over her heart.

Arthur Weasley

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Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain!

Percy Weasley

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"Hello, Minister!" bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at Thicknesse, who dropped his wand and clawed at the front of his robes, apparently in awful discomfort. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

Charlie Weasley

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Norbert? The Norwegian Ridgeback? We call her Norberta now.

Bill Weasley

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Dumbledore says he doesn't care what they do as long as they don't take him off the Chocolate Frog cards.

James Potter

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Lily: "You've been so brave."
James: "You are nearly there. Very close. We are... so proud of you."

Lily Potter

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Harry: "Why are you here? All of you?"
Lily: "We never left."

Sorting Hat

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Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those whose ancestry is purest."
Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."
Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name,"
Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."


Show 39 Sayings
But he was home. Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here.


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If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you, but no pressure.


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Albus Severus, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.


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Our emblem is the eagle, which soars where others cannot climb; our house colours are blue and bronze, and our common room is found at the top of Ravenclaw Tower, behind a door with an enchanted knocker. The arched windows set into the walls of our circular common room look down at the school grounds: the lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and the Herbology gardens. No other house in the school has such stunning views.


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Player: "You're not a bad chap - for a slytherin."
Sebastian: "Ah. There's that Hufflepuff loyalty you're so well-known for."
Sebastian Sallow in Hogwarts Legacy


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Myrtle: "D'you think I don't know what people call me behind my back? Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Miserable, moaning, moping Myrtle!"
Peeves: "You've forgotten pimply!"

Moaning Myrtle

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Myrtle Elizabeth Warren - a pretty name - my name - no need for the "moaning".

Cedric Diggory

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You take it. You should win. That's twice you've saved my neck in here.

Amos Diggory

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I said to him, I said - Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will... you beat Harry Potter!

Oliver Wood

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"Harry, this is no time to be a gentleman!" Wood roared as Harry swerved to avoid collision. "Knock her off her broom if you have to!"

Gellert Grindelwald

Show 18 Quotes
Magic blooms only in rare souls.
Gellert Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts - 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Bellatrix Lestrange

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Shut your mouth! You dare speak his name with your unworthy lips, you dare besmirch it with your half-blood's tongue.

Lucius Malfoy

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Dear me, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?

Narcissa Malfoy

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If you attack my son again, I shall ensure that it is the last thing you ever do.

Nymphadora Tonks

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My Head of House said I lacked certain necessary qualities... like the ability to behave myself.

Lee Jordan

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Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me.


Show 13 Sayings
Neville will play Quidditch for England before Hagrid lets Dumbledore down.

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Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.
Those that we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch.
Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.