I make the most money, I think, in Russia and Paris, for the people of those countries are so willing to be amused, so eager to see something new and out of the ordinary.
But it must not be thought that I say this out of personal experience: for in the many years that I have been before the public my secret methods have been steadily shielded by the strict integrity of my assistants, most of whom have been with me for years.
Another method of eating burning coals employs small balls of burned cotton in a dish of burning alcohol.
But then, so far as I know, I am the only performer who ever pledged his assistants to secrecy, honor and allegiance under a notarial oath.
I think that in a year I may retire. I cannot take my money with me when I die and I wish to enjoy it, with my family, while I live. I should prefer living in Germany to any other country, though I am an American, and am loyal to my country.
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There's cities that get by on their good looks. Detroit has to work for a living.
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I want to say thank you to each of you because we are together. And when we feel the reliable support of those standing beside us, Russia becomes one big family.
Vladimir Putin - New Year Eve’s address 2020/21
1This country, Russia, has changed. Russia has become a real football country... where football has become part of the country's DNA and the culture.
Russia... the country that gave the world Tetris, merkins you wear on your heads, and potentially the 45th President of the United States.
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So you're single? In Paris? Now I'm even more jealous. I mean, your life is croissants and sex.
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French Man: "You are looking to buy or to rent?"
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L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.
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