The Ukrainian people are defending the values of freedom and democracy on which our civilization is based, and the very foundations of international law.
Juli 2023
To the women of this nation I want to say that being underestimated is a great advantage, because often they don't see you coming.
März 2023
Yes to natural families, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology.
Juni 2022
Mussolini was a good politician, in that everything he did, he did for Italy. There hasn't been any other politicians like that in the last fifty years.
Our public debt is totally out of control. We're dealing with growing poverty.
September 2022
There's no place for racism, antisemitism and nazis at Fratelli d'Italia.
July 2022
Everything we stand for - including Christian values and traditional gender norms - is under attack.
I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am a Christian. We will defend God, the homeland and the family.
No to gay-marriage: It would be very expensive for the state and I wouldn't want homosexuals to be able to adopt children.
May 2015
I have a relaxed view on fascism. I regard it as a part of our national history.
December 2006
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In Italy, you know you've found a truly authentic restaurant when they don't have an English menu. In India, it's when there are no utensils and you must eat with your hands.
The Azzurri, led by coach Roberto Mancini, played together with great team spirit and personality. After 50 years, the trophy returns to Italy.
Mario Draghi - July 2021, after EURO finals
1They thought the trophy would stay in London, now it's going to Rome. Italy has schooled again.
Leonardo Bonucci - July 2021, after EURO finals
1Mrs Miggins: "Don't mind them Mr B, they're just being intellectual."
Blackadder: "There's nothing intellectual about wandering around Italy in a big shirt trying to get laid."
Blackadder: "There's nothing intellectual about wandering around Italy in a big shirt trying to get laid."
Edmund Blackadder in Blackadder
The Italian Guardia di Finanza are like the lovechild of the IRS and the FBI. They live to hunt down lavoro nero.
Sloane in From Scratch - Season 1 Episode 1
Lawyer, Italian... then broads must be endless!
César Lazcano in Who Killed Sara? - Season 1 Episode 1
In Italian there is an expression: We don't sleep on the fame.
Every country gets the circus it deserves. Spain gets bullfights. Italy the Church. America Hollywood.
The most stylish country in the world is Italy.
Italy has changed. But Rome is Rome.
Italians are fantastic people, really. They can work you over in an alley while singing an opera.
Harvey Dent: "When their enemies were at the gates, the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. It wasn't considered an honor, it was considered a public service."
Rachel Dawes: "Harvey, the last man who they appointed the Republic was named Caesar and he never gave up his power."
Harvey Dent: "Okay, fine. you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain..."
Rachel Dawes: "Harvey, the last man who they appointed the Republic was named Caesar and he never gave up his power."
Harvey Dent: "Okay, fine. you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain..."
Harvey Dent in Batman - The Dark Knight
5All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health. What have the Romans ever done for us?
Reg in Monty Python’s Life of Brian
4Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them, and they'll be distracted. Take away their freedom, and still they'll roar.
Gracchus in Gladiator
1When most first think of the word "empire", we think of the big one: Star Wars! Or Rome. And this is history, so it's Rome.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Earth - Episode 1
Teutoburg Forest, 9 AD. Three Roman legions are advancing towards Germania. The largest army in the world is met with many quarreling tribes. The Romans called them "barbarians". Their encounter changed the course of history.
Barbarians - Season 1 Episode 1
Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.
Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.
Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.
We become strong, I feel, when we have no friends upon whom to lean, or to look to for moral guidance.
The special military operation was done for the purpose of "denazification," while we've made Ukraine into a nation that's known throughout the world. They're like the Greeks or the Romans at their peaks. And as far as "demilitarization," if they had some 500 tanks at the start of the special military operation, now they have 5,000. If they had 20,000 capable fighters before, now they have 400,000. What kind of demilitarization is that? Now it looks more like we did the opposite, somehow or other, and militarized Ukraine.
Yevgeny Prigozhin - May 2023
None of us should accept a future in which our daughters and granddaughters have fewer rights than we did.
Hillary Clinton - May 2022
1Please don't create any review videos for 2022 - going through it once was enough for me.
Jewish communities are warning their members to avoid specific places for their own safety - today, here in Germany, almost 80 years after the Holocaust.
Robert Habeck - November 2023
If Putin were to win this war, what sign would that be for other dictators in the world like Xi, like the Chinese President? So therefore Ukraine has to win this war.
Annalena Baerbock - September 2023
While Walz pretends to support Americans in the Heartland, when the cameras are off, he believes that rural America is "mostly cows and rocks". Walz is obsessed with spreading California's dangerously liberal agenda far and wide.
Donald Trump - August 2024
Our world has become more restless and rough; it is changing at a breathtaking pace. We also cope with headwinds. This does not make the challenges of our time any smaller.
Olaf Scholz - December 2023
With clear language and undaunted diplomacy, he has significantly shaped the United States of America and post-war global politics.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier - December 2023
It's not about counting women, it's about making sure that women count!
Claudia Roth - February 2019
Power itself isn't good or bad.
There can be neither today without yesterday nor tomorrow without today.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Your laugh is the reason your parents never tickled you growing up.
Katherine Ryan - The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2024