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Quotes about Gaming
He sees and hears everything, as if he had the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox, like some kind of mythical beast. Fighting tooth and nail, he drove away bandits and ruffians like devils with all the auspicious momentum of the suanni.
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My ideals have no stains.
I must correct you. People here bear no sins in the eyes of the gods... Only laws and the Tribunal can judge someone.
They can judge even me. So praise my magnificence and purity.
I must correct you. People here bear no sins in the eyes of the gods... Only laws and the Tribunal can judge someone.
They can judge even me. So praise my magnificence and purity.
The world is just a stage
It's better to laugh than to cry
because laughter is of human nature
Laugh at it all, don't worry
Let's enjoy today
It's better to laugh than to cry
because laughter is of human nature
Laugh at it all, don't worry
Let's enjoy today
Furina / Focalors in Genshin Impact - All the World's a Stage
Eternity stretches things out over a long time. But each moment within it becomes all the more fragile.
This is supposed to be a battle between gods, yet you choose to hide behind a mortal. And now, you're acting like you'd sacrifice yourself for a human. Are you having fun proving a false sense of heroism to yourself, Buer?
Scaramouche in Genshin Impact - to Kusanali
2Are you deaf, or just stupid? When did I give you the right to issue your own orders?
With you by my side, though our mouths stay silent, my heart is at peace.
Observation is the first step of any experiment, but observing the current world doesn't satisfy me. It lacks an important dimension - that of time.
Even the God of Wisdom is restricted by the habits of cognition. How disappointing.
Oh, no. I certainly have my own convictions. They just don't fit you standards, that's all.
Il Dottore / The Doctor in Genshin Impact - to Kusanali
Some ambitions have the power to heal wounds, to bring victory, to inspire hope. But some ambitions, outlive their masters, long after their soul ascends. They remain as they were in the beginning, burning bright and true, for all eternity.
Humans are just fascinating creatures, that's why I'm so fond of them. They live such short lives, but for the time they're around, they shine as bright as the midday sun.
Do you even know how many times you've tried to take my Gnosis from me?
Kusanali / Nahida in Genshin Impact - to Scaramouche
1Come, Traveler. Just like before, allow me to awaken the memories in your dreams.
You should know that all power comes at a price. For every bit of power you gain, so too do you gain more responsibility.
You and I have a contract, so feel free to discuss anything at all within the scope of said contract.
Only once you know and respect death, can you truly understand the value of life.
It is here that heart and soul are as one like clouds. Death is a constant for all among the multitudes that sit beneath the heavens.
"Hu" as in "Who put me in this coffin?" and "Tao" as in "I can't geT OUt!" Hehe... no, not funny?
So we just need to fight monsters from the abyss and a dragon. No pressure or anything!
They're made of wood, and you can't eat them in an emergency either, cause all you'd do is grind your teeth down!
People say that a secret shared is a secret no more, but I like to think that true friends keep each other's secrets.
I always say that blind optimism isn't the answer - if you want a bright future, you have to go out and seize it with your own two hands!
Quick, look! Up in the sky! Look at that scorching sun, it's like a blast furnace! You know what this means? It means we have to drop everything, right now, and make a run for the ice cream store! We need to get two of the biggest cones they sell, and then it's an all-out race to see who can finish before it melts!
Let us make music, not war, and resolve our conflicts through song.
A warrior must always be ready to face any challenge with his blade. The outcome of the battle is irrelevant - what matters is that you learn from the experience.
This place is pretty dead... by which I mean, there's nothing to kill.
You know, there are better ways to seek out our enemies than... well, standing here.
If you're suggesting that we escalate this from a verbal exchange to a physical one, I accept.
This is not just some worthless book. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find a physical book like this in Sumeru?
Kaveh tends to be overly sensitive about everyone and everything he crosses paths with, and he's constantly making a fuss about nothing. Maybe it's because he's too emotionally fragile.
I'm far from human. I can't make much of human emotions.
Many mortals fear lightning... incomprehensible. Fear of something so common.
Paimon: "Which do you like more: cats or dogs?"
Traveler: "I prefer Paimon."
Traveler: "I prefer Paimon."
Paimon: "Fischl makes a very unique impression, doesn't she?"
Traveler: "How so?"
Paimon: "Well, she travels together with a talking raven, for starters."
Traveler: "Well, I'm traveling with you. It's not all that different."
Traveler: "How so?"
Paimon: "Well, she travels together with a talking raven, for starters."
Traveler: "Well, I'm traveling with you. It's not all that different."
A blade is like a tea-leaf. Only those who sample it many times can appreciate its true qualities.
Close your eyes and face the wind... It feels wonderful, doesn't it?
Snow that once adorned the world in silver, thaws to reveal the gleam of the fruit upon frost-laden branches.