The best Quotes by Francis Underwood

The best Quotes by Francis Underwood
There is nothing more lonely or terrifying than feeling unheard.
House of Cards - Season 5 Episode 9
History is earned. You win the day, and then you win the day after, and you do the same thing every day until you're dead. And you're remembered not for the winning, but because you never lost.
House of Cards - Season 5 Episode 8
People underestimate the importance of detail to the overall impact.
House of Cards - Season 5 Episode 5
To mourn is not to fear. To grieve is not to admit defeat.
House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 13
Conscience has an unmistakable stink to it, sort of like raw onions and morning breath. But a lie stinks even more when it's coming from someone who isn't used to lying. It's more like rotten eggs and horseshit.
House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 7
A diversity of ideas makes us all wiser, and that holds true even for your president. True leadership is not running away from those who disagree with you, but embracing them.
House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 4
Elizabeth Hale: "Reduced to tabloid gossip? She might as well be living in that trailer park you come from."
Francis: "Well, it was a peach farm. But you're right, I am still white trash. I just happen to be white trash that lives in the White House."
House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 1
Francis: "I think what my wife is gently trying to tell me is that I've run overtime. She has a very clever nickname for me."
Claire: "Verbosity."
Francis: "Now, the main difference between Claire and me, aside from her stunning beauty, of course, is that she actually knows what that word means."
House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 8
Anyone can commit suicide, or spout their mouth in front of a camera. But you wanna know what takes real courage? Keeping your mouth shut, no matter what you might be feeling.
House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 6
I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 1
Peace should not have to be bought. Peace should be its own reward.
House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 3
You can't turn a 'No' to a 'Yes' without a 'Maybe' in between.
House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 3
I've always said that power is more important than money. But when it comes to elections, money gives power.
House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 2
"Cry Havoc", said he who fought chaos with chaos.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 12
I've never given someone a third chance.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 11
I always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 10
The road to power is paved with hypocrisy and casualties. Never regret.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 9
Presidents who obsess over history obsess about their place in it, instead of forging it.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 7
Shake with your right hand, but hold a rock in your left.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 5
The president is like a lone tree in an empty field. He leans whichever way the wind is blowing.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 2
One heartbeat away from the presidency, and not a single vote cast in my name. Democracy is so overrated.
House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 2
A smart man once said to me that speculation is a poor form of politics. Why don't you stick to what you know?
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 12
If she wants to be an adult, let her see how she can fly once she leaves the nest.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 9
Harmony. It's not about what's lasting or permanent, it is about individual voices coming together for a moment. And that moment lasts the length of a breath.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 8
If you do decide to take the coward's way out, cut along the tracks, not across them. That's a rookie mistake.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 5
The only two words I want to hear from you when I ask you to do something are "Yes" and "Sir".
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 3
Money is the McMansion in Sarasota, that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 2
Power is a lot like real-estate. It's all about location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 1
The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 1
There are two kinds of pain: The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain, the sort of pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless things.
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 1
I said to my professor, "Why mourn the death of presidents, or anyone for that matter? The dead can't hear us." And he asked me if I believed in heaven. I said, "No." And then he asked if I had no faith in God. I said, "You have it wrong; it's God who has no faith in us."
House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 12

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Claire: "I'm done trying to win over people's hearts."
Francis: "Let's attack their hearts."
Claire: "We can work with fear."
Claire Underwood in House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 13
Francis Underwood: "Oh... God, this turkey tastes like rubber."
Will Conway: "Well, it's better than eating a real one. Oh, I always wear protection when I'm getting my dick sucked by the Democrats."
Will Conway in House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 9
The blood is on all of our hands, and doing nothing is the same as pulling a trigger.
Claire Underwood in House of Cards - Season 4 Episode 8
I ain't one for lookin' back. Eyes ahead.
Freddy Hayes in House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 9
It's good to have dreams, just so long as they're not fantasies.
Freddy Hayes in House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 8
Heather Dunbar: "I'm not above agreeing with the opposition when they're right. But I'm surprised you've been so critical. I thought you and Underwood were close."
Linda Vasquez: "I'm not above disagreeing with an ally when they're wrong."
Linda Vasquez in House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 8
Once people imagine themselves in the Oval, there's no turning back.
Claire Underwood in House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 4
When you write about presidents, people pay attention.
Linda Vasquez in House of Cards - Season 3 Episode 2
Francis: "Does this mean that we've officially not quit?"
Claire: "We've never been quitters, have we?"
Claire Underwood in House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 10
Am I really the sort of enemy you want to make?
Claire Underwood in House of Cards - Season 2 Episode 1
Journalist: "If I didn't think you were such a liability to yourself, congressman, I might even like you."
Peter: "If your circulation was as high as The Wall Street Journal, I might like you back."
Peter Russo in House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 9
The White House is where news goes to die. Everything's canned. These perfectly prepared statements.
Zoe Barnes in House of Cards - Season 1 Episode 4
Remember, with great power. comes great responsibility!
Uncle Ben in Spider-Man
As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.
Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.
Evey Hammond in V for Vendetta
What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?
Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.
If believing in yourself and going after what you want in life and realising your worth is ruthless and selfish, then I'm definitely ruthless and selfish.
Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.
Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas

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