The best Quotes by Fernando García Domínguez

The best Quotes by Fernando García Domínguez

You have his last name don't you? I'm sure it'll open tons of doors for you. If the price is a couple of dirty looks, then you're getting off easy.
Élite - Season 1 Episode 3
I got a question for ya: What do you call people who steal millions from others to pay for this lifestyle of yours? Are they thieves or just sons of b*tches?
Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
Marina: "You got stabbed over a miserable 40,000 Euros?"
Fernando: "Look, in the real world people kill for a lot less."
Élite - Season 1 Episode 4

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Ander: "How much did he drink?"
Lucrecia: "I don't know, Ander, all of it. Only thing he didn't drink is the water in the pool."
Lucrecia Montesinos Hendrich in Élite - Season 2 Episode 2
Guzmán: "Because she supports me. Unconditionally."
Nadia: "That isn't love, it's devotion, like you would have for a God. People who love you tell you the truth."
Nadia Shana in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
Carla: "This is the chance of a lifetime."
Christian: "Sounds like a shitty life. If it means that I have to betray my brother, then that life's worth nothing!"
Christian Varela Expósito in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
You gotta stop making everyone choose sides in this, because you'll end up alone on yours.
Ander Muñoz in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
A cow is a cow, no matter how many instagram filters you put on it.
Lucrecia Montesinos Hendrich in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
Christian: "What else is against the rules?"
Nadia: "Drinking, smoking, doing drugs..."
Christian: " basically all the fun stuff."
Christian Varela Expósito in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
Lies are exactly what people tell to make life more bearable. To avoid pain and suffering and hurting people.
Marina Nunier Osuna in Élite - Season 1 Episode 5
I love me some lesbians, big fan. I never miss any of their movies.
Christian Varela Expósito in Élite - Season 1 Episode 4
Lucrecia: "Back at it again? It's 8 o' clock in the morning, Valerio!"
Valerio: "I know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Want some?"
Valerio Montesinos Hendrich in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
Guzmán: "I would make it up to you if you'd let me. I was a jackass."
Nadia: "This gift only shows me that you're a jackass who has money."
Nadia Shana in Élite - Season 1 Episode 4
That prison is full of Nanos. Their only crime is that they're not able to afford to pay for a fancy lawyer who can get them out with cash.
Christian Varela Expósito in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
This is f*cking paradise, man. You smell that? Chicks piss Chanel here.
Christian Varela Expósito in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
I'm a towelhead, I don't play soccer and I read outside the class. I'm this close to being on a wanted poster.
Omar Shanaa in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
She was a bright light. Marina was one of those people that you look for on a bad day, because you know her smile will turn your day around.
Guzmán Osuna in Élite - Season 1 Episode 2
Social Media is now the best way for us to introduce ourselves to the world, right? What we reveal or what we hide about ourselves, tells a story of who we are.
Martín in Élite - Season 2 Episode 1
Azucena de Muñoz: "The rules state, no accessories of any kind are permitted."
Nadia: "My hijab isn't an accessory."
Nadia Shana in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
I mean, they say dou die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
You really think I came here to study? No. I came here to meet the people who call the shots. And they aren't the ones getting the best grades, babe. They're in with the right crowd.
Christian Varela Expósito in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
When your name's Nadia Shana you had better be informed of what can get you expelled.
Nadia Shana in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
Fing champagne - where's the beer?
Ander Muñoz in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
If you leave now, you won't find out what the number stands for. It's not my age.
Ander Muñoz in Élite - Season 1 Episode 4
Guzmán: "Why don't you have a boyfriend?"
Nadia: "I have strict parents. Why don't you have a girlfriend?"
Guzmán: "You have strict parents."
Nadia: "The human body is 70% water, so we are basically just cucumbers with anxiety."
Guzmán: "Excuse me, with the amount of salt and alcohol I consume, I'm more like an anxiety pickle."
Samuel: "He's your brother?"
Marina: "And they say 'the rich don't suffer'."
Marina Nunier Osuna in Élite - Season 1 Episode 1
Christian: "So this thing, what the f are we doing?"
Carla: "Why do we have to put a label on it? Let's leave labels to fashion."
Carla Rosón Caleruega in Élite - Season 1 Episode 5
Samuel: "It must be nice to be rich instead of having to develop a personality."
Carla: "Shut up!"
Samuel: "Buy my silence."

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