The best Quotes by Eric Idle

The best Quotes by Eric Idle

Eric Idle (born 29 March 1943) is an English actor, comedian, musician and writer. Idle was a member of the British surreal comedy group Monty Python and the parody rock band the Rutles.

No day of my life passes without someone saying the words "Monty Python" to me. It's not bad.
We've discovered that the less we do, the more money we make.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours.
The Minister of Transport issued this appeal to motorists: Can anyone give him a lift to Leicester?
You look just like you!

Quotes about Eric Idle

They all welcomed me with open arms and immediately put my fears to rest. John Cleese was rather flirty; Michael Palin seemed rather shy; Terry Jones was very jolly; Eric Idle was a tiny bit aloof; Graham Chapman was very polite and Terry Gilliam was very loud and a bit manic.

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I've given up asking questions. l merely float on a tsunami of acceptance of anything life throws at me... and marvel stupidly.
Television and the media are everywhere and they are taking over so powerfully. They don't shut up for a second. So you are unable to think.
Terry Gilliam - Terry Gilliam's flying circus (2006)
I don't do drugs. I've got enough bizarre chemicals floating around in my head. I'm just naturally like this.
Terry Gilliam - Mai 1998
Because I dislike being quoted I lie almost constantly when talking about my work.
Gorillaz virtually changed my wife... sorry, I mean, life... no, actually, it was my wife.
I just like the fact I can make a film which might give comfort to some people who think they are the only crazy person in the world and suddenly they see there are two crazy people in the world.
Fantasy isn't just a jolly escape: It's an escape, but into something far more extreme than reality, or normality. It's where things are more beautiful and more wondrous and more terrifying.
In the end, people have to learn to live together. That is what I didn't like about America - it is so homogeneous. I like places where there are people who are different culturally, physically, in every way. And I like to see how they succeed in living together.
Terry Gilliam - Terry Gilliam's flying circus (2006)
We took up the offer with the BBC, and that was Monty Python's Flying Circus. I didn't have to submit my ideas to the group. I used to turn up on the days we recorded with a can of film under my arm, and in it went.
I was born in 1940 in Minnesota and grew up in the country... dirt roads, swamps, lakes, woods.
Hyperbole is something I'd better avoid.
I want this on my tombstone:
Here lies Terry Gilliam
He giggled in awe.
I loved every minute of Python and owe so much to them.
Carol Cleveland - June 2014
We're all in our 70s now and even doing 10 shows, with lots of costume changes, is going to be exhausting. And the guys have far more to do than me, obviously. But I have a feeling it might not be the last Python project ever. I wouldn't be surprised if they did another film.
Carol Cleveland - June 2014
Then there was Michael Palin. Michael is the one who hasn't changed at all. I thought he was - and still is - the cutest of the bunch.
As the first series progressed I found it was John Cleese who I got on best with and who made me laugh the most. He was the one who would change the most during the course of Python.
If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?
I find it rather easy to portray a businessman. Being bland, rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me.
I think that money spoils most things, once it becomes the primary motivating force.
The Americans all love 'The Holy Grail', and the English all love 'Life Of Brian', and I'm afraid on this one, I side with the English.
The human race should just slow down and think about what it is doing.
Contrary to what the politicians and religious leaders would like us to believe, the world won't be made safer by creating barriers between people.
The use of the word "just" by an Australian means that whatever it is you have to do, it will not be easy, as in "Just pull that sword out of the stone" or "Just split that atom."
Michael Palin - Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.
What really alarms me about President Bush's "War on Terrorism" is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is "Terrorism" going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender.
We will definitely not burn the Koran, no. Not today, not ever.
The funny thing about history is that we imagine that people didn't laugh in the old days, but of course they did, at stupid things.
I'm cheerfully optimistic about life. Optimism is very important!
There are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives.
We don't deliberately set out to offend. Unless we feel it's justified.
I hope I will have achieved something lasting.
You know, Python should have won a Grammy for our musical work on the show.
You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!
Frenchman: "You empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Sir Galahad: "Is there someone else up there we can talk to?"
Frenchman: "No! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"
Ah, I see you have the machine that goes "ping!". This is my favourite. You see, we lease this back from the company we sold it to - that way it comes under the monthly current budget and not the capital account.
Hospital Administrator in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - Part I: The Miracle of Birth
We find your American beer like making love in a canoe. It's f-ing close to water.
What's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung!
One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other one is me.
Joe Biden - März 2024

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Terry GilliamThe best Monty Python QuotesMonty PythonCarol ClevelandJohn CleeseMichael PalinTerry JonesGraham ChapmanMonty Python’s Life of BrianMonty Python and the Holy GrailMonty Python's The Meaning of Life