Thank God I'm not on Twitter. My career would have been over years ago.
There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats.
I've always wanted to smash a guitar over someone's head. You just can't do that with a piano.
Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.
I could never go onstage in denims.
Quotes about Elton John
Billy: "It might be that the people I love is, in fact... you."
Joe: "Ten minutes at Elton John's and you're as gay as a maypole."
Joe: "Ten minutes at Elton John's and you're as gay as a maypole."
Joe in Love Actually
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Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories
I take a look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
With a thousand memories
I take a look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
Chris Rea - Driving Home For Christmas, Album: On the Beach
True love lasts a lifetime.
Karen in Love Actually
I'll be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.
Tell her that you love her. You've got nothing to lose, and you'll always regret it if you don't.
Daniel in Love Actually
With any luck, by next year
I'll be going out with one of these girls....
But for now let me say,
without hope or agenda,
just because it's Christmas-
(and at Christmas you tell the truth)
to me, you are perfect.
And my wasted heart will love you
until you look like this...
Merry Christmas
I'll be going out with one of these girls....
But for now let me say,
without hope or agenda,
just because it's Christmas-
(and at Christmas you tell the truth)
to me, you are perfect.
And my wasted heart will love you
until you look like this...
Merry Christmas
Love Actually - Text on signs
Harry: "Tell me, exactly, how long it is that you've been working here?"
Sarah: "Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, what... two hours?"
Harry: "And how long have you been in love with Karl, our enigmatic chief designer?"
Sarah: "Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, an hour and thirty minutes."
Sarah: "Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, what... two hours?"
Harry: "And how long have you been in love with Karl, our enigmatic chief designer?"
Sarah: "Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, an hour and thirty minutes."
Sarah in Love Actually
Twitter is stupid and Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read.
Max Black in 2 Broke Girls - Season 2 Episode 2
9If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write "me too" as a reply to this tweet.
Alyssa Milano - via Twitter, 15.10.2017 #metoo
1Do we have to know who's gay and who's straight? Can't we just love everybody and judge them by the car they drive?
We have many animals in Switzerland - even goats.
Roger Federer - asked by a child why people call him GOAT
The goats are wise; eat everything, climb everything, and if something kicks you, kick it back!
Let me explain something about guitar playing. Everyone's got their own character, and that's the thing that's amazed me about guitar playing since the day I first picked it up. Everyone's approach to what can come out of six strings is different from another person, but it's all valid.
Every time I see a piano, I have this urge to play it.
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity: all I hope for in my clothes.
In Texas, we practically come out of the womb in jeans.
Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to lose and my desire not to think.