Cersei: "All you needed to do was climb the steps yourself. Such a sad mistake."
Ned: "I've made many mistakes in my life, but that wasn't one of them."
Ned: "I've made many mistakes in my life, but that wasn't one of them."
Game of Thrones - Season 1 Episode 7
Robert: "I swear, if I weren't your king you would've hit me already."
Ned: "Worst thing about your coronation, I never get to hit you again."
Ned: "Worst thing about your coronation, I never get to hit you again."
Game of Thrones - Season 1 Episode 2
Ned: "I don't fight in tournaments."
Jaime: "No? Getting a little old for it?"
Ned: "I don't fight in tournaments, because when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do."
Jaime: "No? Getting a little old for it?"
Ned: "I don't fight in tournaments, because when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do."
Game of Thrones - Season 1 Episode 1
Jon: "Is my mother alive? Does she know about me? Where I am, where I'm going? Does she care?"
Ned: "The next time we see each other, we'll talk about your mother."
Ned: "The next time we see each other, we'll talk about your mother."
Game of Thrones - Season 1 Episode 2
Quotes about Eddard Stark
Robert: "Lord Eddard Stark, I would name you the Hand of the King."
Ned: "I'm not worthy of the honor."
Robert: "I'm not trying to honor you. I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom, while I eat, drink and wh*re my way to an early grave."
Ned: "I'm not worthy of the honor."
Robert: "I'm not trying to honor you. I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom, while I eat, drink and wh*re my way to an early grave."
Robert Baratheon in Game of Thrones - Season 1 Episode 1
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Hard places breed hard men. And hard men rule the world.
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Ramsay: "What do you tell them?"
Theon: "I'm Theon Greyjoy, son of Balon, heir to the Iron Islands."
Ramsay: "And what are you really?"
Theon: "I'm Reek."
Theon: "I'm Theon Greyjoy, son of Balon, heir to the Iron Islands."
Ramsay: "And what are you really?"
Theon: "I'm Reek."
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Theon: "Are you afraid?"
Rob: "I must be."
Theon: "Good."
Rob: "Why is that good?"
Theon: "It means you're not stupid."
Rob: "I must be."
Theon: "Good."
Rob: "Why is that good?"
Theon: "It means you're not stupid."
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I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on!
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Your father's lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as random or as clumsy as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands.
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1We obviously didn't communicate clearly. We are here to discuss your surrender, not mine.
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Rhaenys Targaryen in House Of The Dragon - Season 2
The war will be fought, many will die, and the victor will eventually ascend the Throne.
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A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.
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23You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed without his supper.
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11When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies.
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5Stannis: "You're as stubborn as your father... and as honorable."
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Jon: "I could imagine no higher praise."
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Harwin Strong: "You're asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch. Terrible lack of respect."
Rhaenyra: "A certain insolence runs in the family, I'm afraid."
Rhaenyra: "A certain insolence runs in the family, I'm afraid."
Rhaenyra Targaryen in House Of The Dragon - Season 1 Episode 6
Viserys: "I do hope the labor was easy."
Rhaenyra: "I think I called the midwife a c*nt."
Rhaenyra: "I think I called the midwife a c*nt."
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Money buys a man's silence for a time, a bolt in the heart buys it forever.
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12Do you know what the realm is? It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie.
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Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe.
Arya Stark in Game of Thrones - Season 7 Episode 1
1Gendry: "You shouldn't insult people that are bigger than you."
Arya: "Then I wouldn't get to insult anyone."
Arya: "Then I wouldn't get to insult anyone."
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Death is certain, the time is not.
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You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back. Speak three names and a man will do the rest.
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You waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town.
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Tyrion: "You think dipping his wick will cure what ails him?"
Bronn: "There's no cure for being a c*nt."
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When you play the Game of Thrones you win... or you die. There is no middle-ground.
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2Any man who must say, 'I am the king', is no true king.
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3Hate's as good a thing as any to keep a person going. Better than most.
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