Disappoint someone - whatever. And disappoint the world. But never disappoint yourself!
Benny Severide in Chicago Fire - Season 1 Episode 13
8Experience has taught me that wishful thinking only leads to disappointment.
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time
4No expectations, no disappointments.
We all have to live with our disappointments. I have to sleep with mine.
Al Bundy in Married... with Children - Season 3 Episode 5
You can't dwell on disappointment. You've got to take the positives and keep looking ahead.
I think making mistakes is as inevitable as receiving disappointments.
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The expected is just what keeps us steady. Standing. Still. The expected's just the beginning, the unexpected is what changes our lives.
Meredith Grey in Grey's Anatomy - Season 3 Episode 13
3Let experience wash over you, absorb it like a sponge. Expect nothing, only then can you be prepared for anything.
Altered Carbon - Season 1 Episode 1
1Low expectations is the key to happiness in life.
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
Brandon Sanderson in The Stormlight Archive - The Way of Kings
Don't place expectations on someone. Enjoy the time you have together, and let it go where it goes.
When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Expectation is the mother of all frustration.
The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you, if you just lower your expectations.
A good player knows how to win the game, a good character knows how to lose it, while smiling.
In this world everything is governed by balance. There's what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose. And in this moment they think they have nothing to lose. And when you believe you've got nothing to lose, you're overconfident. We will be the ones that are going to show them just how much they have to lose.
The Professor in Money Heist - Season 3 Episode 3
4The loser isn't the one who's falling down, it's the one who doesn't stand up.
The only opponents who aren't coming up with excuses for being defeated by me are computers.
Bobby Fischer (World Chess Champion)
2The sooner they know the frustration of defeat, the greater their growth will be.
A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
But I will not lose, for even in defeat
There's a valuable lesson learned, so it evens it up for me
There's a valuable lesson learned, so it evens it up for me
Jay-Z - Blueprint 2, Album: The Blueprint 2
1I never thought of losing, but now that it's happened, the only thing is to do it right. That's my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life.
Muhammad Ali - nach Niederlage gegen Ken Norton am 31.03.1973
1When Andy died, without even realizing it, I found myself needing to be around people acting normal just to get my frame of reference back, pull myself out of the hole I was in.
Benny Severide in Chicago Fire - Season 1 Episode 23
It's my job as an old firefighter to teach the young firefighters how to become old ones.
To live forever... when those I loved are dead, and I to blame? I choose death.
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time
1It's not the bad memories that tear a person apart. It's the good ones.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in The Naturals - Killer Instinct
Most people built walls to protect themselves. Dean did it to protect everyone else.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in The Naturals - Killer Instinct
Peggy: "I want sex."
Al: "So do I, but I see no reason to drag you into it."
Al: "So do I, but I see no reason to drag you into it."
Insurance is like marriage. You pay and pay, and never get anything back!
You ain't cool if you ain't in a gang
Hours and them hours like Stan
Always got my hood up like Kenny
No killing me, though, I'm the man
Hours and them hours like Stan
Always got my hood up like Kenny
No killing me, though, I'm the man
AJ Tracey - Pasta, Album: Lil Tracey
I believe in living today. Not in yesterday, nor in tomorrow.
But there are mistakes that are necessary. Sometimes you have to die a little bit to get back to live a little longer.
A crow wanted to be a peacock. So he put on colored feathers, went over to the peacock yard. But, the peacocks, they plucked them all away. So the crow, he tried to get back with the crows. They wanted nothing to do with him.
You want greater Chicago to know your business, make sure you tell Leslie Shay.
Gabby Dawson in Chicago Fire - Season 1 Episode 9
Dark skies don't always mean rain.
Christopher Herrmann in Chicago Fire - Season 3 Episode 8
A hero's not somebody who's unafraid, it's the guy who's scared and does what's right anyway
Matt Casey in Chicago Fire - Season 4 Episode 19