I am convinced that material things can contribute a lot to making one's life pleasant, but, basically, if you do not have very good friends and relatives who matter to you, life will be really empty and sad and material things cease to be important.
I am a passionate traveler, and from the time I was a child, travel formed me as much as my formal education. In order to appreciate cultures of another nation, one needs to go there, know the people and mingle with the culture of that country. One way to do that, if one is lucky enough, is to buy things from those cultures.
You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the Internal Revenue Service out of the kindness of my heart.
Philanthropy is involved with basic innovations that transform society, not simply maintaining the status quo or filling basic social needs that were formerly the province of the public sector.
My own interest in art was because of my mother. My father didn't like contemporary art, so he didn't give her large sums to spend. So, she began buying prints and drawings. During my school days, I remember sitting in on many of the early meetings.
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No wonder the city never sleeps, it's too busy trying to get laid.
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Season 1 Episode 11
5There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders.
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2If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York
Frank Sinatra - New York, New York
2Manhattan, for millions of our forefathers, the gateway to hope, opportunity and happiness beyond their wildest dreams. Today, that hope is still alive, it's called "The First Date". On Saturday nights, every restaurant in Lower Manhattan resembles its own little Ellis Island.
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Season 2 Episode 3
2I want to wake up in that city
That doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill
Top of the heap
That doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill
Top of the heap
Frank Sinatra - New York, New York
1In a city that moves so fast, you get the Sunday paper on Saturday - how did any of us know how much time we had left?
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Season 2 Episode 5
1We are New Yorkers. Proud citizens of the greatest city on earth. Thinking big isn't new to us. It is the very foundation of who we are.
Regardless of our differences, this was still New York. A melting pot crammed onto an island, then pushed into a subway car with a rat eating pizza. You're not left or right. You're a New f*cking Yorker and we're in this together.
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Do you know how bad that coffee has to be to to be considered a health risk in New York? This is the same city where pizza gets delivered by a rat!
I don't wanna f*ck it up because one of us didn't prepare for the slim possibility of New York City traffic!
Michael Lawson in Uncoupled - Season 1 Episode 1
I remember Hell's Kitchen when you couldn't walk west of Ninth Avenue without getting knifed. Now it's Chelsea with better gays.
Stanley James in Uncoupled - Season 1 Episode 1
Most people come to New York to be discovered. The rest of us come here to hide.
It's fascinating to see how versatile New York City is. It lends itself to being so many different places!
The crime problem in New York is getting really serious. The other day the Statue of Liberty had both hands up.
I love New York; I love the city. It's impossible. It's a theme park of a city.
Being a single girl in New York... it's what you should be doing in your twenties!
People say New Yorkers can't get along. Not true. I saw two New Yorkers, complete strangers, sharing a cab. One guy took the tires and the radio; the other guy took the engine.
As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.
If you lose money you lose much,
If you lose friends you lose more,
If you lose faith you lose all.
If you lose friends you lose more,
If you lose faith you lose all.
Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.
Sometimes, strangers can become more like family than blood ever could.
It's a mystery of human chemistry and I don't understand it, some people, as far as their senses are concerned, just feel like home.
He's a better person when she's around, and isn't that what friends are for, to raise you up and keep you at your best?
Nobody can avoid falling in love. They might want to deny it, but friendship is probably the most common form of love.
You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
Family. Where life begins and love never ends...
Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.
Lilo Pelekai in Lilo and Stitch
17It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Wealth is a nightmare. With each coveted thing we buy, we lose a thing we dream about.
You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy.
Garth Brooks (American singer/songwriter)
2I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.
You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind
God never made no difference between black, white, blue, pink or green. People is people, y'know. That's the message we try to spread.
Why can't they understand the way we feel?
They just don't trust, what they can't explain
I know we're different, but deep inside us
We're not that different at all
They just don't trust, what they can't explain
I know we're different, but deep inside us
We're not that different at all
Traveling is like flirting with life. It's like saying "I would stay and love you, but I have to go".
Because sometimes, even when you know how something's gonna end, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride.
Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother - Season 2 Episode 14
3He that traveleth into a country before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school, and not to travel.
Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to lose and my desire not to think.
L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.