The best Quotes by David Attenborough

The best Quotes by David Attenborough

Sir David Frederick Attenborough (born 8 May 1926) is a British broadcaster, biologist, natural historian and author. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series forming the Life collection, a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth.

The ocean is a source of inspiration, wonder, and awe. Diving allows us to tap into that inspiration and to experience the world in a whole new way.
I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.
The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.
We are a plague on the Earth.
There is no question that climate change is happening; the only arguable point is what part humans are playing in it.
It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.
Everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?
The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?
Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics.

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There's nothing more important in making movies than the screenplay.
I just love biography, and I'm fascinated by people who have shifted our destinies or our points of view.
I adore my family; they are my joy. However, I am committed to my work. If, on a Saturday morning when I was ostensibly going to be with the children, and something arose at RADA or at UNICEF or at the orphanage or whatever, I would allow the other pressures to take precedent.
I like to make films about people who changed the lives of others and asserted human dignity.
I very, very, very rarely lose my temper. I do get cross sometimes when encountering something that I feel is improper, that I feel is lacking in justice and equity, and this all sounds very pompous and over the top - but these are the things that really upset me: intolerance, prejudice etc. I suppose in more mundane matters, I'm impatient.
It is strange with how little notice, good, bad, or indifferent, a man may live and die in London.
If you're curious, London's an amazing place.
I've often thought a blind man could find his way through London simply by gauging the changes in innuendo: mild through Trafalgar Square, less veiled towards the river.
Louis Bayard - Mr. Timothy
I have nothing against Orlando, though you are, of course, far more likely to get shot or robbed there than in London.
I don't miss London much. I find it crowded, vast and difficult to get around. Cabs are incredibly expensive.
London. The beating heart of England.
England is my home. London is my home. New York feels like, if I have to spend a year living in an unfamiliar city, this is a pretty lovely one to spend a year in, but I will be going home at the end of it, certainly.
What began as a common desire to secure wilderness for people to enjoy, has become a worldwide movement to preserve these areas for future generations. They're a place to escape the burdens of everyday life and an inspiration for our children. They're a haven for endangered species and a hotbed for scientific research.
Our Great National Parks - Season 1 Episode 1
Nature's creative power is far beyond man's instinct of destruction.
Nature has to be felt.
We are not to tell Nature what she's gotta be! She's clever. She's always got better imagination than we have.
We like to spend time in nature because it won't judge us.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
We don't have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-election. It's life or death.
We're in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone's arguing over where they're going to sit.
75% of the Earth's surface is ocean. So divers live on a much bigger planet.
Life feels better in a wetsuit.
I love the earth. If you ask me it's the greatest planet in the world.
We called her Mother Earth. Because she gave birth to us, and then we sucked her dry.
Change the System! Not the Climate!
We can halt the destruction of the world's rainforests - and even restore parts of them - in order to ensure that the forests do what they are so good at - in other words, storing carbon naturally.
Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.
John F. Kennedy - June 1963
We don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. Freedom is like that. It's like air. When you have it, you don't notice it.
No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.
Some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone.
Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in The Shawshank Redemption
I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.
Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.
People don't realize how amazing elephants are.

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